Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

First auto grow, 2 Short stuff mi5, 1 short stuff onyx, 1 lowlife ak47

Ak sprouted 2/7 (Back right) (HUGE ONE)
mi5s spouted 2/8 (Back left and Front right)
onyx sprouted 2/13 (Middle) (After 3 of my onyx seeds didnt germinate)

Are the mi5's looking small? it's first set of leaves are only a little bit above the soil my 400 MH light is around 16 inches above it. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Soo happy, went in thismorning to find my baby has sprouted :-D off to a good start. First grow, first seed :-D (lowryder lemon). Ill get some pictures up in a few days. What would you lot suggrst for lighting for this strain?? 24 hour?? 18/6?? 20/4??


Active Member
Ok guys,
Just got my first auto seeds from Attitude "there awesome" by the way! :)
Here is my question...I have fem green-o-matic seeds and need to know the best light schedule to use for these,
I was going to use either 18/6 or 20/ good about both but what does all the auto growers use now?
I think they need as much light as posible so the 20/4 might be a better choice,idk...let me know what u use and what u think works best and why...Just wana get this right:)
Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys,
Just got my first auto seeds from Attitude "there awesome" by the way! :)
Here is my question...I have fem green-o-matic seeds and need to know the best light schedule to use for these,
I was going to use either 18/6 or 20/ good about both but what does all the auto growers use now?
I think they need as much light as posible so the 20/4 might be a better choice,idk...let me know what u use and what u think works best and why...Just wana get this right:)
Thanks again!
Go with 20/4 if you can, depending on your lighting you could potentially save quite a bit on running cost at 18/6, but if cost is no issue go more


Well-Known Member
downsized_1224002311.JPGNew Image.JPGView attachment 1459906 HEY j6s6u6 ive done g,o,m quite a few times and did them on both 18/6 and 20/4 great either way both schedule's were about the same with 18 /6 a little bigger ,i have one just starting again, but heres a pic of one from december it was on 20/4, sorry for the side way pic !