Autoflowering question


Well-Known Member
Im wrapping up a LR2 grow (only 3 plants) but it got pretty cold sometimes and they're doing well. I havnt got to do any other autos yet but cant wait.


New Member
well if ur growing indoors in the winter any autoflowering if ur growing outdoors in the winter ur a idiot.


Well-Known Member
well if ur growing indoors in the winter any autoflowering if ur growing outdoors in the winter ur a idiot.
Not really an idiot some types of marijuana won't grow to full potential if they not in a cold climate like purple haze it loves the cold. If only they were an auto purple strain?


Well-Known Member
20F Pretty much normal for two months and then it'll warm up here a little bit but I was thinking to make a couple of lowrider#2's seed then move them outside.


Well-Known Member
I think if u start a auto indoors might as well finish indoors, since they are so fast, but idk jus my opinion. If you do 20 degrees is prolly way to cold wouldn't you think? I would think like 45-50 max but i could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
I have a winter grow right now its in veg my room is at about 6 cels all teh time plant are happy healthy and still growing I use a much higher temp for flowering most indicas love a lower temp towards the end
I fine dropping in temp for a day to almost frost or frost if you can increases bud size huge