automatic fire extinguisher


Well-Known Member
i saw a thread about these once and cant find it now
i want to purchase one
i see ones for a couple hundred dollars but the thread said one regular priced one worked automatically.
but it was called something
any help?


Well-Known Member
worked automatically... like it works if a fire breaks out and your not there? If so tell me about it I would love to know. Hopefully this post will bump it to someone who actually knows so we can find out, but if not definitely give as much detail as you can and someone is bound to know what your talking about. Take care.


Active Member
Check this maybe.

It looks like all the companies that make such equipment are marketing towards businesses and industries not really homes or individuals, so it looks expensive. Essentially it's just fire proof hosing rooted wherever you need it and a normal fire extinguisher out side the room with a detection pressure switch that sets it off after it gets so hot and the pressure builds high enough, but none of the sites really say exactly how they work or what sort of switch you need.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm gonna need an estimate to cover a 3x12x8' room with 2 400w lights and some flammable peat moss, I'm sure they could fix me right up. Interesting concept though a heat activated tube that controls release of retardant.

Seems some one could design one that is activated by a smoke alarm, cuts the power to your room and disperses the retardant in case of fire. I can see some pissed off customers if it malfunctioned though. Can you imagine, uhh I was smoking a bowl when all of a sudden the power went out and my crop that I just spent 3 months on is covered in chemical retardant. Can I get a refund.

In all seriousness someone could prob create a DIY for 2-300 bucks, I for one would be interested. There has got to be a smoke activated fire extinguisher on the market somewhere.


Active Member
That's what I'm saying it's just like any new technology, they have to rape you as long as possible, but yeah I'm guessing you could make your own rig for like 2-3 bills tops all it is really is regular extinguisher, tubing and a switch.


Active Member
I dont know about smoke activated but they have heat activated extinguishers for boats. Look in any marine supply store. The boat i used to work on had them all over the engine room. They go off at a certain temp.


stays relevant.
I think they are pressurized balls filled with fire retarded... Sort of like hanging a water balloon over a fire pit... if there is air in the balloon, it will pop and (possibly) put out the fire.


New Member
Would not bother with them most go off once temp gets over 80, you could mess up your crop big time just cos temp gets over 80, keep it simple. nuff said