Autopilot APCL4DX light controller question


Well-Known Member
5CAC7B20-60BE-4653-9515-058BD08A93F7.jpeg So I have a question and would love if somebody familiar with electrical knowledge could chime in. I have an auto pilot APCL4DX light controller that has been wired for 220 V. I am running four 630 watt CMH Ballasts That can be powered with 120 V or 240 V. My question is can I run two lights at 240v and two lights at 120v simultaneously? A friend of mine told me that I could disconnect the gray hot wire from one of the outlets cap it And then run the white neutral wire coming of the main to the outlet that no longer as two hots. I’m wondering since the box can Powered by 120 or 240 V can I just plug to ballasts of each voltage into box without risk.

Thank you