

So im thinking about starting to grow auto's, just a few questions about them really..
When growing auto's is it possible to top them and then use the cut you made as a clone?
What is the correct/good PH i could use for them?
Is there anything i could do to maximize my yield that you guys recommend doing with auto's?

Thanks, peace :D


New Member
No if you clone an auto the clone is exactly as old as the plant is and it will flower into like half a gram if that. PH of 6 is what to aim for like normal.

Don't top don't do anything to them just let them go on 20/4 light schedule.


New Member
The key to autos is avoid any stress. Any set backs will set the plant back in weight. I found it best to slightly under feed them just in case.


I dont plan to use any nutes at all, i just plan to use a nice ph'd filtered water, isolating fan, to pot about 4 in pots with soil and i am also trying to get a led unit. Oh and of course i am going to put a reflective material in my grow space. You think i could do anything else?

Oh and i want to try out a SCROG, or is that again a no no for auto's?

Thanks dude :D


New Member
no scrog with autos either man. They only grow to about an ounce if you're lucky. It's good smoke though high lasts a long time.


New Member
I guess if you wanted to you could LST them early on and put a low hanging screen over it and maybe they'll grow into little 1 gram sites or something.


New Member
I grew low life auto AK 47. It grew into one main cola with 4 offshoots with like .3 grams on them. The main cola was like 7 grams. They're good for a harvest before your main plant. Just keep em in veg till the autos are done then flip the light to 12/12 and flower your mammoth plants. Thats what I did.


New Member
I got mine from dr chronic but they don't take credit cards any more just mail order cash, I don't fly like that.

What you do is swich your bulb to HPS when you start to see bud form on the auto and leave it at 20/4.