Ayyy yaaaa Damn mann


Well-Known Member
I got my indoor set up done up to be what some would call "CHEAP". All it consists of is 1 70 watt HPS, dual florescent light fixture (roughy 55wts per bulb), An extra florescent light (didnt check the wattage), and 2 22w cfls. Now keep in mind that im only growing one plant. But since i have set the light up the way i did i have notice a huge difference. The plant is growing relatively faster, And overall is growing ten times better than it was when it was outside. Dont get me wrong it was growing great outside, but tis the fall season and the frosts, causing me problems. I moved it inside. It hasnt even been a week of indoor growing and i can already see a big difference.

This just contributes to my point that depending on what your trying to do, you might not always need to go with the huge wattage. Id guess that if your only trying to grow one or two plants that you should go with something like what i got. If your trying to have a large grow room, with say.. 50 to 100 or maybe 200 plants, Then you might want to go with the more expensive high power system. Really it all depends on what your trying to do. Now this is just a theory so dont get me wrong here. I aint tryin to get nobody fired up cuz of a case where they might misunderstand what im saying. My system runs under 300 watts and I am defiantly satisfied with my results. Ill put pictures on if anyone would like to see it.


Well-Known Member
more lumens would get to the plant giving you bigger buds, it wouldn't speed anything up, just allow your plant to more effectively use the lumens.
I would put the bulb right in the middle of the cloas.


Well-Known Member
ahhh ok ok, whats the difference whether i take the cover off the light? I thought the cover reflected the light better to make it brighter?


Well-Known Member
I would move your HPS much closer, and like the others said, take that cover off.

Other than that, looking good brah.


Well-Known Member
hey mann i did what you told me to. I moved the hps fixture way closer (about 5-6 inches away from tops) I moved the tube lights so they are vertical, and i put the cfls about 3 inches from the lower buds and top buds. Ill put sum pics on when i get bateries for my camera


Well-Known Member
well now i think i may have a problem. will you look at my two posts about ammonia odor? there in the general marjuana growing forum. I need some questions answered.