Azamax... the climax. What now?


Active Member
Hello RIU!

I desperately need some insight on anyone using azamax, or anything similar to it such as neem, bug off, etc. Three days ago, I sprayed my NL auto with azamax, b/c I finally found some evidence of some random little bug (I'm going with thrips) eating my crop. I took a 1/4 tsp of it to one quart and sprayed the shit outta the leaves and used about 3/4 of the mix to water my plant with. Seems to be doing better, but at the same time, I can't tell what's new damage (bite marks) or if it's old. I checked under my leaves with my supposedly 40x loupe. For the most part, I can't notice anything of importance except some random things on the most lower leaves next to the soil. (almost touching). I do find random little speckles, but I honestly can't tell whats a bug and what's little tiny pieces of soil or perlite. Neither can I find any actual egg sights. At least I hope not. Just today I noticed what I believe is a mosquito in my grow room. And I'm pretty sure it was one b/c we have mosquitos every now and then free flying in my basement where I grow at. I did not actually check to see if it was an aphid or not, so now I'm kinda freaking out. NL auto is just about two weeks from showing sex. And the directions on the azamax say spray in 10-14 day intervals? Is that too much time that they'll develop an immunity to it? I'm thinking of spraying tonight or tmrw right as lights go off and have my fan blast the leaves dry on the lady.

Sorry if this seems jumbled, kind of writing last minute.

So basically, should I keep spraying azamax? At what dosage and what frequency? And how late into flowering is it safe to do so?

Thanks in advance!!! And yes I love parentheseseseses =)

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Read up on thrips. Use spinosad and Azamax every 3-4 days. They reproduce by laying eggs inside the leaves and they are so small you probably won't see them. They reproduce in no time and will become a big problem. ie you kill them and 10,000 come back and say hello. 10-14 day cycle and if they are large in numbers they reappear after 2 days after treating. Use something white like a paper plate and shake the plant over it. They will fall on it so you can see the adults. Also a fogger for the adults is useful to hit the whole room. They are a pain to get rid of because just when you think they are gone they come back. So treat even if you don't see them. They are smart lille bugs and can jump and crawl up walls. I also read that hort sand on the containers helps cut their numbers as well as diatom earth in the soil helps. They are a soft body bug. Worse than mites and about as bad as Powdery mildew.


Well-Known Member
Spray say 4 days apart to break their life cycle. 3 times.. Use the yellow sticky traps as monitors for bugs. Then use the spray as a preventive every few weeks up until flower. I don't like spraying in flower if at all possible..taste and mold issues. For budding..I use a no pest strip at lights off (per 3x3 area) with vents off at lights out. Remove in am. Do that for a few days. Then put the strips in zips locks for later use. The chemical breaks down rapidly. DO NOT DO THIS IN YOUR BEDROOM. Some disagree with this. I don't provide to others.They are hell on mites too.

There is also Mighty Wash..supposed to be safe in flower..not used it. Been offline awhile as illness flared up.


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies. I've sprayed and watered with azamax twice now, and I think there are still signs of those little buggers. So far, I've only been using 1/4 str of the azamax I believe. Should I start to go full str? Or go 1/2 or 3/4? I'm thinking of getting some mosquito dunks as well. Is that and full str azamax gonna kill my plant?? Will any kind of sand work pepe? It makes it hard for the eggs to spawn right? Won't effect ph or anything like that? And coho, are you saying keep vents off at lights off to increase humidity? I'm worried about doing that b/c the humidity in my room where I grow in is around 65-70%. With fans off in the box, humidity reaches 80% sometimes somehow o.o


Well-Known Member
Another tip. Rotate your bug killer. I like Azamax, but I use rosemary oil and clove oil more often. I believe SNS has a product made with Rosemary oil. And my nuclear bomb of a killer is Botanigard. Awesome fungal product that eats the bugs from the inside out.

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Will any kind of sand work pepe? It makes it hard for the eggs to spawn right? Won't effect ph or anything like that?
I used regular sand on top before from phoney depot, sand box sand, but they say horticulture sand is the best because it cuts them to shreads. (must have diatomaceous earth in it)
Be careful if you use diatomaceous earth, wetting it first helps keep it out of the air and away from your lungs. The biggest problem with sand is watering. Best to water from bottom and pull sand to the side for top water.

One thing that helps alot is using shallow tuperware filled with vinager, dish soap and water. They cannot resist the smell and I have found many floaters in the multiple dishes I place close to the base under leaves. Also use sticky strips to catch them laying under the plant.

I have been using Neamatodes and gnatural in the water to stop the larve.


Active Member
I used regular sand on top before from phoney depot, sand box sand, but they say horticulture sand is the best because it cuts them to shreads. (must have diatomaceous earth in it)
Be careful if you use diatomaceous earth, wetting it first helps keep it out of the air and away from your lungs. The biggest problem with sand is watering. Best to water from bottom and pull sand to the side for top water.

One thing that helps alot is using shallow tuperware filled with vinager, dish soap and water. They cannot resist the smell and I have found many floaters in the multiple dishes I place close to the base under leaves. Also use sticky strips to catch them laying under the plant.

I have been using Neamatodes and gnatural in the water to stop the larve.
Hey pepe, thanks for the reply. I'm not too sure about the sand. I heard it's great but how do I water from bottom up? Just fill my drip tray? The thing is I'm scrogged atm, and I find it freaking hard to inspect the leaves for bugs, water, etc. Everytime I have to apply azamax, I take it outta the scrog and what not. But I think I might take the tuperware offer up. The ratio shouldn't be too important right? As long as it's not going into the soil?


Active Member
Another tip. Rotate your bug killer. I like Azamax, but I use rosemary oil and clove oil more often. I believe SNS has a product made with Rosemary oil. And my nuclear bomb of a killer is Botanigard. Awesome fungal product that eats the bugs from the inside out.

Hey Ali, thanks for the advice. Think I can use this spray made from peppers I saw for thrips and what not? Maybe it'll save some scratch for now, b/c I have to invest in some dolomite lime I believe or cal/mag. I'm thinking of switching between the pepper and the azamax. How often do you think I should be spraying/watering with it? Would I have to ph both before putting in? B/c last time my azamax ph'd my distilled water down to 5~. So I added some baking powder to it. And is it safe to water with the pepper mix for the soil? When should I get back on my nute regiment?


Well-Known Member
I have never used pepper for killing insects, but I have heard that it works. I would use one or the other every three or four days for 3-4 total waterings. If you see signs of needing nutes, I have used the same water as azamax or peppermint oil before with no problems.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
neem and its offshoots is systemic so several applications will probably be needed. I've never used azamax but i've used azaguard before.

If it is truly thrips you have spinosad works top notch.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies. I've sprayed and watered with azamax twice now, and I think there are still signs of those little buggers. So far, I've only been using 1/4 str of the azamax I believe. Should I start to go full str? Or go 1/2 or 3/4? I'm thinking of getting some mosquito dunks as well. Is that and full str azamax gonna kill my plant?? Will any kind of sand work pepe? It makes it hard for the eggs to spawn right? Won't effect ph or anything like that? And coho, are you saying keep vents off at lights off to increase humidity? I'm worried about doing that b/c the humidity in my room where I grow in is around 65-70%. With fans off in the box, humidity reaches 80% sometimes somehow o.o
If it's not burning them in any way then hit em with the full strength.