Back to Growing with Blue Magoo!


I'm definitely not new to growing, I started my first venture almost 18 years ago. I've taken several years off however. I recently decided to get back into my passion. My friend sent me some Blue Magoo seeds to start with. I'm also looking into some Headband/Sour Kush, kind of expensive seeds. Maybe I can find them from someone who knows. I would just really love to cross them with this Magoo!! I'm also been looking into the AK48 as well.

I really need a medical that would help with my condition of pressure on my brain and optic nerves. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Ive set up my pantry as my grow area, the "closet" will be in an A.C'd room for the summer so heat shouldnt be much of a problem if I need to open the door.

Im going organic with some local organic soil i came across, verm and perlite mix.

I want to perpetually grow so I've got an area on the top shelf for my vegging/cloning set up. area is 2ft l x 1.5ft w x about 1.5ft tall. So far I got 118w of CFL in 2500k and 5500k spectrum mixed, I might eventually double that. I've got two computer fans wired up to exhaust the hot air. Since I plan on running 24 hour lights I didnt bother to light proof. I went and got the sun windhield reflectors from the Dollar tree and enclosed the area with them. Seems to be working alright. Might add a small fan inside or for intake when they get bigger to help them get stronger.

Just ordered some FF Grow nutes for soil

After they get 1ft tall they'll go into flowering

I'm not far enough yet on the flowering area. Area is 2ft l x 1.5ft w x 3.5ft tall. But I've got the area sealed up from light leaks, wrapped in the sun reflectors and a 150 w HPS up. I'm planning on adding a small fan to either intake or inside up in a corner to blow around. Gonna get an 4" exhaust fan with a carbon filter. and add around 240 w of CFL to the lighting set up. This set up will fit about 8 flowering plants inside with square containers... Will be getting the Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for flowering

Heres a few pics. 028.jpg027.jpg024.jpg



*2 of the Blue Magoo's seedling died off because the organic soil I bought was not draining well or airy enough, and I tried to transplant them into MG organic but they still didnt make it. Still got 3 seedlings going, they're just starting to get back growing from the transplant. I think I got the nice bushy indica pheno I have been wanting out of it.

*Ordered some Master Kush seeds from Attitude, my friend is also entrusting me to grow out these Blue Dream seeds.

*Got some bag seed going too just in case for back up.

*Decided I will be getting an aero cloner in the soon future.

*Debating on adding 130w CFL to the veg chamber and 260w CFL to the flower to go with the HPS, or if I should put the 150w HPS up with the 130w CFL I already got up there. Then buy a 400 w hps for the flower chamber. I'm not sure if heat will be an issue. I think I could fan it all out with a 400w in the 3ft x 1.5ft space. I got about 4ft from floor to top of that chamber but I could give it another foot, and I could extend the veg chamber another foot too if need be for the 150.
(Money wise I figured adding CFL's and fixtures would run around $130, buying a 400w HPS w the cool tube would be $140 shipped plus I'd get ebay bucks back?)

More watts would equal More fans, more fans would means more noise, but I don't invite anyone over ever except my gf. I'm a very private person, and all my neighbors are respectful and we leave each other alone...

Opinions on the lighting?

1st and 3rd pic are the Newer Magoo seedlings that didn't stay their first days in the crappy compact soil. 2nd pic is the 1 seedling that survived and is reviving slowly in the new soil. I believe the yellowing is from the MG organic since its nuted . I tried flushing a little bit before repotting but doubt it helped much

The Red

Active Member
Nice, how much did this setup run you if you don't mind me asking? And I'm a noob to growing so any advice from me would probably not help you much.


Geez, to be honest I haven't even thought about the cost. I been buying here and there. I try not to think about it and get whatever I can.

150w HPS from HTG was $70 shipped

2 bags MG Organic Soil - $10

Perlite 1 bag - $4

Vermiculite - $5

2 Power strips - $6

Plug in socket adapter, y socket splitters and CFL bulbs (all from Home D) - $36

pots in various sizes (15 small, 8 large) - $16

Fox Farm Grow Big Quart - $20 shipped

13 Windshield reflectors - $14 (Dollar Tree!)

Rope for CFLs to hang - $1

Chains, bolts, eyelets for HPS to hang - $12

2 60cfm 80cm computer fans - $8 shipped

Master Kush Seeds from Attitude - $50

Lock and hardware (if you want to steal my shit you're gonna have to break in my house, then break into my "pantry")- $10

Eclipse light blocking curtain - $10

All that totals to $272 I guess. I havent got a Therm/Humidity gauge yet so I dont know what my temps are like in there... but its not hot as fuck. So I think I am Okay for right now with just that (only running CFLs)

Im really debating what else I am sinking into this project. I really want to have a 400w light but I'm afraid it will just get absurdly hot, I didn't really want to have to do the whole invest in the inline fan and cool tube....

Thinkin about buying a 6" inline and a scrubber for the smell, I figure that if I can smell my wax melter scents when I'm outside my door on my porch I might be able to smell my fragrant babies... if I do the 400w.

Just trying to figure out if there is a way I could tube the fan to scrub the flower room and the veg room


^^^Drew and attached a picture, ideas and thoughts on this would be awesome!!!^^^^

If I get the rest of what I am planning on this will be added shortly, in time:

400w HPS w cool tube - $140 shipped

6" inline fan - $70

6" carbon scrubber - $45 or $60 (Theres a guy locally who has a new one for $45 might pick it up if my tires for my ride don't cost too much this week)

Small fan - $30

Ducting - $20

Pulley system for 400w, and upgrade to 150w/CFL - $15

More Sun windshield reflectors for raising height of areas - $10

Fox Farm Tiger and Big Bloom quart sizes - $40

All equals an additional $370-$400 lets say to be safe. But then my area will be perfect just the way I would Like it.

So my whole set up will grand total to around $650-750.

The Red

Active Member
Looks good to me except for the sucking through the veg room and carbon filter on the same fan (It might just be me not grasping the whole idea), I can't think of much else you would need though. And imo the homemade carbon filters are booty, mine worked for a while then just shit the bed, this could've just been my way of doing it that failed though. I wound up buying a can 9000 ($70) and a 6 in suncourt inline fan from home depot for 30 bucks. this is for a very small space though


What I meant with also ducting the exhaust up to the veg, like shutter half of its airflow off somehow so it don't want to suck as much air from the veg chamber as it would to have a full open airflow from the T where the scrubber and cool tube are liinked to. and make a thin charcoal one to put on top in the veg since that wont stink as much if any... just wanna be on the safe side with smells.

cause my space is so small and the heat factor is only the 400w with looking at cfm and what not for in lines i figured i could get away with a 4", but i figured maybe if i got the 6" since they're like twice as powerful i could maybe t it off. if it doesn't work and its not as strong i'll get a booster fan, the home depot ones i think have plastic blades theres some ebay for like the same price that are all metal...

yeah im not new to growing its just been a while since i've had everything set up in a comfortable "permanent" set up. my last perm set up was about 3.5/4 yrs ago i had 1000w mh -veg, 1000w hps -flower coco coir scrog in a 2.5 w, 7.5ft long, and 7ft high space.

im thinking about going scrog again, i wanna wait til i get these wonderful blue magoos grown and reproduced through though! i need more of them...!


another one of the Magoo's died. :( It was one of the phat leaf'd ones I was hoping for, but there is still two. As long as I have one in the end I'll be alright. Damn compacted organic soil it killed almost all the Magoo's! On another note one of the bag seedlings came up this morning and it has huge baby leaves :)


Thought I'd update a little bit. I've decided since I have a hanging ceiling with easy space to hide an exhaust. And since my apartment dont have central heat I will exhaust it into a fake "heating vent" in the hanging ceiling of my bathroom. Easy fix whenever I decide to move out too. And when it comes time to exhaust the Flower room setup I will hook that to my bedroom since heat doesn't really go there either. I'm hoping to have passive intakes, if not maybe some strong pc fans if not.

I popped 3 Master Kush's, 2 Boss Hogg's (freebies) and 4 more bagseeds into little salad dressing holder sized tupperwares and covered them left them overnight and I got all the Master Kush's popped, and 2 bag seeds popped... Nothin with the Boss's yet...

A few days under the 150w HPS about 10" or a foot away right now until I get everything properly exhausted.

Magoo #1 - in full recovery... - Looking like a Sat pheno?>

Magoo #2 - Looking like a nice compact Indica pheno?

Bag Seed #1

Bag seed #2 - Popped up yesterday a.m.


Well-Known Member
Some will tell you differently, but I've learned from experience that you likely have your CFLs too close to those seedlings. I'd put at least 3"-4" distance from young seedlings, they simply struggle when you get CFLs too close.


Well-Known Member
When you quit throwing your money at crappy CFLs and go ahead and invest in a real light system for growing MJ, you will be much better off.


I only got the CFL setup to get them going and eventually for a cloning chamber I'm going to build... haven't figured out the plan for that one yet though... I got some time and want to finish the flower chamber first...


Got the exhaust fixed so its not "short cycling", exhausting from the closet into my bedroom closet, this way I can keep my room slightly warmer and the rest of my house colder for the intake.

I rigged up the Honeywell Turbo fan set to 3 right now, to a bucket, to a 8" to 6" reducer, and a small bit of 6" ducting I made a pulley to where i can pull it up and down to possibly change homemade carbon filters or put some dryer sheet on it to help with smell if there is any with vegging w/o having to climb up into the vegging chamber. I have made my door air tight and am intaking through 2 60cfm PC fans. Got the small 4" fan pointed between plants and lights. 150w HPS 1 ft away

I left it overnight and shut the door to the closet, when I just came home and checked my temps said 72 degrees on the hot spot, with the general air around my house being 70 degrees... sounds like this venting will work well for me. Doesn't have much noise to it either from outside the area/around the house. If I absolutely turn everything off in my house I can kinda hear it but... I don't ever turn everything off....


Is the 150w HPS Okay at 1ft away or can i slowly try and move it closer....???


A Boss Hogg seeds tap root came out today put the seed into soil to sprout.

Just gave them a good watering today.

Magoo#1 - Sprouting new set of leaves.

Magoo #2 - Second set of leaves & start of third.

Bag Seed #1

Bag Seed #2


Picked up this low bay 320w pulse metal halide off craigslist for $10. Going to move this to my vegging area, then I'm thinking either using the 150w HPS in the flowering area with 220 w with it. or possibly even considering going and picking up another low bay from this guy and running the 150HPS with the 320 halide.

Ordered a bulb off ebay and gonna take it apart to remote ballast it, in a cool tube possibly. or a homemade reflector this weekend or early next week.


if I left the ballast in the grow area how much heat can i expect to add to my room, in difference from a 150w HPS lamp and ballast


Magoo #1

Magoo #2

Bag #1

Bag #2 - First two sets of leaves were really odd shaped, theyre starting to look normal on this next set

New babies, on L bag's, and on the R are the Master Kush's


Picture update

Blue Magoo Plant #1 Nice dense pheno :) Should I top it now (to clone and get more main branching) If so down how many nodes should I go Its sprouting its 7th node now and has a good amount of side branching going on.

Feeding 2 tsp FF Grow Soil and a small 1/8th tsp of Bud Candy per gallon. Seems to be taking them well. I guess the plant is around 4 weeks. I think its showing female pre flowers too but I can't get the focus for the macro shot of it

Side branching near bottom

After being well watered.

Side Shot



Just got done doing a majority of the painting (minus the outside painting I'm going to paint on it; gonna make it perty and fit into the decor in the room. :roll:) Its a veggie box 4ft tall, 4ft long and 2ft wide. Passive intake, I believe I measured 4in x 10in out. 7/16 Plywood, framed out with 2x2. Exhaust I will hook up my Honeywell for now, its cut for my 6in ducting, going to be a straight shot out the exhaust. I will eventually put a 6in fan and scrubber in here.

For Lighting, cause I recently picked up the 320w MH. I will put one in here, a slight bit off more towards the exhaust side so I can put clones off to the outside of the light on the intakes side.

Next up I will build the flowering chamber, I'm thinking same size only 6ft tall, with two bulbs, hung in the middle two 3rds. I've looked into stuff like UScrog, but I think I would like a more Sea of Green like that if I could use clones. I've even seen people building racks on the walls with the plants like that. Would be pretty neat, maybe I can even make deattachable walls like that maybe even have to only use one bulb in that space if I did it right.




So lots of major changes have been made to my grow area. I decided that I didn't want to completely destroy my apartment drywall and began to sketch designs out to a much needed "entertainment center" for my large studio apartment. I needed an easy disguisable stash pot where I could house not only my plants but my computer and big plasma tv and printers/dvd players/towers. I managed to come up with a 2ft x 2ft x2 ft Mother and clone box, for this I chose my 118w CFL strip, a small 6" fan for air circulation, 2 90 CFM fans for exhaust. Inside there is room for 2-3 smaller mothers, lst'd. a propgation tray for clones to get dimmed light from the mothers.

I just ordered my inline fan and filter to replace my ghetto rigged Honeywell turbo which works well but I want better ventilation. I'm thinking about T-ducting my 6" 440cfm fan I ordered to damper air being exhausted from the vegging area (which should only need a little pull, 8 sq ft, vs my flowering 32 sq ft) If I do that I would force air intake from a short duct to the bottom of the room with the two little 90cfm fans I have since I don't want everyday people to typically notice anything out of the ordinary with my "custom entertainment center"

For my flowering I got a 4ft x 4ft 2ft box equipped with 2 vert 320w MH lights (34k lumens each), Adding a 440cfm 6" inline fan and a 6" x 14" filter would like to T-Duct it and let it do both chambers, I'm sure the veg area really would need a damper because the Flowering room really only needs I believe 2/3 the fan with the size, light heat, temperature of intake air of the area and filter. I will have two Honeywell 7" turbo fan, one on the left and one on the right pointed down slightly off center so everybody gets a breeze! My intake is a passive 9x4.5 inch rectangle on the bottom (THe flowering chamber is raised 2" off ground) with a filter stapled over to keep nasties out.
Got an a.c blowing right in front the boxes...

Decided on doing a Sea of Green perpetual..... where I can get plants from 1-2 feet would be okay, single stalked. For containers I was thinking of using those huge plastic jars food places get mayo in and stuff. I walk home from work in the AM before the Recycling people come and get the curb and a pizza restaruant down the street always has at least 5 every week, clean and rinsed as ordered by the city. I say a little bleach soak and some drainage holes. blacked out with tape and garbage bags and I got myself a pot. I think they are 2g containers? Anyway they're tallish and have a small foot print I should be able to do a lot of SOG plants in 4x2

I've cloned Master Kush, Boss Hogg, and BM1 and 2, and 2 Bag seeds that stood out.

So far I've got a Blue Magoo Mother, her clones preflowers showed about a week ago and this is how this 3 clones blooming look. Trying out different heights put into flower from clones. This wave was put in at 4-5" and now are 8.5 to 10", I have another batch of two just put in at around or just under 4" to see what they do. will see with them soon.magoo1 week1 002.jpgmagoo1 week1 003.jpg

magoo1 week1 009.jpgmagoo1 week1 015.jpgmagoo1 week1 012.jpg