Bad ass Fist fight at cannabis cup


Well-Known Member
Ok, ok, so there is no fight. Thats really the point of all of this. It kinda proves that weed accually, and most definately takes that primal emotion away.

You see cannabis cup is so very diverse in terms of skin, background, age, etc. It also has people who are huge sativa fans, and those indica. Two very different things. Anyways unlike a hockey, football, or soccer game they never throw blows over it.

Where i am going with this is the whole "why its so restricted and sometime illegal" Well maybe it just simply takes the fight out of us. The want to fight, or what have you.

I would love to do an experiment with people in a room and let a bug out, and see if they kill it. Then get a similar group. get them stoned and see if they kill it. Or maybe have a "rude nurse" try and piss each group off with unrasonable tasks etc.

Anyways that is why I think that weed is so held down. Yes it would make a ton of money, but would it make people essentially "too nice". MAybe open up the door to more curruption.

Anyways I think that people can only get so altered on cannabis. Really if they start out as a shmuck, they smoke and then are a stoned shmuck. Sometimes the aggressivness just turns to stupidity and just as annoying. Nonetheless that same dude is somewhat less abrassive. Maybe these super strong personalities accually need opium.

I feel that all plants etc. hold the keys to health. Prevention is the way to beat cancer. Unless you are genetically predisposed.....which family hist. should tell you. Anyways if you had grandparent who died under 60 than you should seriously think about getting a good diet and some exersice.

The Psychological, theological side of medicine makes me sick. Its just plain rediculous. Dark ages, mixed with modern assumtions and flat out stupidity. Short sided experiments..etc. How can you tell me that man knowing about 16% about the brains function can compete with god, creator, mother eath...what have you that knew, or knew of 100% of my brain function. And its hard to find many things that are accually deadly poisonous in nature. Foe the most part people could eat grass and some flowers if they could stomach it. And most any seed. Lots of roots...list goes on and on.


Well-Known Member
it was ridiculous.. all the way through. c'mon man

"And its hard to find many things that are accually deadly poisonous in nature." what??!! really? there are a HUGE array of different plant species that are toxic or fatal to people. im sure there are more species of plant that are not edible, than are.

it's true that mary will calm you down, and there are pretty much never any fights that break out at cannabis festivals. that is why i clicked the link... i couldn't believe there was a fight at the cup. sure enough....