Bad Genetics or just a plant full of odd problems?


So I have a run of some Inner Chi plants. They are being grown in rockwool cubes (not the single large cube, but #5 nursery pots full of the 1/4 inch grodan cubes) on a flood and drain table. Nutrients are the CNS17 line. Sitting under a 600w HPS (bulb is on its second flowering run). This is week 10 of flower, almost all the trichome heads are cloudy with about 15% amber. So they are basically done. However this one plant is a runt, with the oddest bud formation I have seen. On this run I did an experiment with extreme defoliation. The experiment was to see first hand what extreme defoliation would actually do to some plants.

The results was that yes, I did get stunted plants and reduced yield from what I normal get with the same strain. However, this one plant was especially runty, and its buds are forming in reverse of what you normally would expect.

The lower growth on this plant is decent sized, very dense, and pretty decent actually. But the top growth, is all airy, feathery, popcorn buds. Im not really sure what the deal is. Like I said, I have 5 others of the same plant, all fed the same nutes from the same res, under the same light, and all stripped of fan leaves. But the other 5 plants are pretty decent actually (but not as good as if I left the fans on). This plant starting last week, also showed signs of nutrient burn, which none of the other plants got. I checked the roots and they are super white, happy, and not too cramped (transplanted to a bigger pot right before the switch to flower).

So im just curious, what could have caused this one plant to grow super tiny, airy, popcorn up top. Yet have decent sized nugs at the bottom. I have never seen this before. The plant was obviously stressed due to having the fans stripped, and it must have been more stressed than the others to be the only one to suddenly get nute burn from the same nutes and ppm it has been getting for over 2 months without problem before. So is this just bad genetics coming through or severely stunted plant that just couldnt handle the stress of the experiment?
