Bad Pipe


Active Member
i bought some smoke last friday and i've been smoking it pretty much all weekend but it seems like when the high starts to dissipate my stomach starts hurting really bad. i ve never had this problem before and i was just wondering could it be the pipe im using cause it's about 5 yrs old and i really havent used it in about 2 yrs or could it just be something else

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
You most likely have the munchies and just don't know it. The shit happens to me quite often.

Do you smoke cigarettes? That's usually what causes me to get a stomach ache after burning, since cigs curve your appetite in the opposite way that mj does.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to see a pic to say for sure.

if it's glass, i don't think so. if it's metal, I'd get a new one . . .