Bad Seeds or Impatience?


Active Member
Sup guys...

I have 8 ladies (4 sativa's and 4 indica's) in a 6'x7'x8' closet under a 400w MH w/ reflector shield. It has been a week since I planted the 4 indica's and 5 days since I planted the sativa's. I am using spring water in a mister w/ a half bottle cap of Thrive Alive B-1 in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil.
The question lies in the fact that I am not seeing anything from the sativa's, keep in mind they have been in the soil for 5 days. I planted straight in the growing medium so give the roots immediate adjustment to their environment. At what point do I regard my seeds as a "bad batch" and start with new ones? Also, what does a hermie look like?

Other pertinent info: 79*F at 37% humidity. Built a plywood board into the doorframe with 2 Honeywell H-800 fans inset into the plywood and sealed with cauking in opposite directions (intake & exhaust). Stuck a full spectrum light in there as well. It's only 27w but it should put off some decent UVB?? Wtv, never can have enough light. Room is plainted white.

I currently have the slower sativa pots covered by plastic wrap as they seemed to be drying out on the tops rather quickly and I didnt want to overwater and make a rookie mistake. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
'Preciate & love you.