Bad Trips


Well-Known Member
Who here has had bad experiences with LSD? Have any of your bad trips resulted in a permanent change in your personality?

I was very fond of acid, but every time I did it, I felt like I was falling farther and farther from reality, even in sobriety. I used to be very popular, funny, and outgoing, and now it seems as though I am at a constant loss for words, I do not feel or act like the person I used to be, and my view of the world seems to be grossly disfigured from its former self.

Any similar experiences? Please explain. Has anyone found a way to reverse this acid induced psychosis?


Well-Known Member
Who here has had bad experiences with LSD? Have any of your bad trips resulted in a permanent change in your personality?

I was very fond of acid, but every time I did it, I felt like I was falling farther and farther from reality, even in sobriety. I used to be very popular, funny, and outgoing, and now it seems as though I am at a constant loss for words, I do not feel or act like the person I used to be, and my view of the world seems to be grossly disfigured from its former self.

Any similar experiences? Please explain. Has anyone found a way to reverse this acid induced psychosis?
all my trips changed me but acid and shrooms are no match for PERUVIAN TORCH and its legal mescaline try it you will love it. as far as bad trips never had one and ive tripped over 100 times prolly


Well-Known Member
I'm of the opinion that, if used properly, LSD, like many psychoactive substances is capable of opening our awareness to personal issues. Maybe you should embrace these experiences, and try to understand why they affected you the way they did. Can you pinpoint exactly what makes you feel further from reality than before your last few trips? Maybe it wasn't the acid that changed you, but life in general. What you describe doesn't seem to fit the definition of psychosis. There is something you could read up more on, if you really think you may be experiencing what's known as post psychedelic perceptual disorder: Erowid Psychoactive Vaults : Hallucinogen Persisting Perceptual Disorder (HPPD) / Post-Hallucinogen Perceptual Disorder (PHPD)

Diagnostic criteria for Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder
The re-experiencing, following cessation of use of a hallucinogen, of one or more of the perceptual symptoms that were experienced while intoxicated with the hallucinogen (e.g., geometric hallucinations, false perceptions of movement in the peripheral visual fields, flashes of colors, intensified colors, trails of images of moving objects, positive afterimages, halos around objects, macropsia, and micropsia.
The symptoms in Criterion A cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition (e.g., anatomical lesions and infections of the brain, visual epilepsies) and are not better accounted for another mental disorder (e.g., delirium, dementia, Schizophrenia) or hypnopompic hallucinations.


Well-Known Member
Who here has had bad experiences with LSD? Have any of your bad trips resulted in a permanent change in your personality?

I was very fond of acid, but every time I did it, I felt like I was falling farther and farther from reality, even in sobriety. I used to be very popular, funny, and outgoing, and now it seems as though I am at a constant loss for words, I do not feel or act like the person I used to be, and my view of the world seems to be grossly disfigured from its former self.

Any similar experiences? Please explain. Has anyone found a way to reverse this acid induced psychosis?
Im sorry to hear that! I have been using sacrements for a little over 6 years now and I am very different some good some bad. I have been seeing all sorts of fluries slight tracers and little colorfull orbs for years now havent really got any worse but not any better either. I have heard through alot of my friends from back in the day that there anxiety and eye sight have become better over time when they quit using entheogens. But myself it doesnt bother me anymore I use to freak out when I would see stuff and my body would feel like its melting into a chair or starting to float but that went away after I just started dealing with it by trying to collect and center myself mentally and spiritually. I would honestly say I use to abuse the wonderfull psychoactive chemicals goin off for weeks and months at a time and I think that is how I ended up seein crap and feeling awfull anxiety. I do know from friends it will go away in due time just chill back and ease your mind everything will be fine and be sure to take care of yourself!


Well-Known Member
See my trips (for the most part) are highly enjoyable. One night, however, on 4th of July, I was in San Francisco in a hotel room dropping blotters with a few of my good friends. I was enjoying it the whole night and I felt better than ever, but at the end of my trip, I became completely incoherent, and I couldn't think or speak in legible sentences. I felt as though I was thinking too hard and about too many different things at once that my communication functions stopped working. By the time a word had come out of my mouth I forgot what I was trying to say. I couldn't even form a sentence in my head. The only thing I could say was "I am two steps behind myself," and that was the only thing that seemed to make sense to me at the time.

About half an hour later, after I had given up on talking, I returned. It was like a switch went off in my head and I was fine, however I began deeply questioning my own integrity, which seemed to last throughout the night. The next day, and every day since, I feel very out of it, and have a hard time focusing because I feel as though I'm thinking too hard. It takes a lot of effort for me and is mentally draining to just have a casual conversation, and I don't understand why. Even in sobriety, I feel as though I am tripping, but only mentally.

My subsequent trips went great, but at the end of each trip I seemed to fall into this same pattern of perpetual self criticism, and it recurs occasionally when I am sober. I don't really understand it at all. Does anyone have any advice?


Well-Known Member
I would advise you to never do drugs again, and to see a doctor/psychiatrist if it becomes seriously detrimental to your health or quality of life. But I'm no expert.


Well-Known Member
man just dont trip anymore without some landing gear

keep l;ike 4 xanax bars handy and if hit starts going south pop all 4 and lay down youll wake up the next day right as rain


Active Member
Well this isn't a bad trip, it's kinda neutral, I took a nice hit of salvia on my bed one day then it's like I was in london. I was walking along a bride by the bay, it seemed like big ben (clock tower) was in front of me in the distance, there where people who were very still to my right, almost like a painting. I could look over the side of the bridge and see water that looked like it had been painting there. There were buildings to my left and some black woman came out of the window and shook out here blankets. after that it was over. What the hell did this meen? lol.


Well-Known Member
I never had a 'bad' trip off of LSD...though I didn't enjoy how it made me feel the more I did seemed like the more I did it, the more dark and depressing my trips were......


Well-Known Member
I have heard that from numerous people that the more they trip the more dark and bad there trips become. I myself have only done LSD a few times but every time I have done it, it has been a really good time. I always see the tracers I think they are called when you see like colors going past you and they are in shapes and shit. I don't know but I think that is what they are called.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, jomal that is exactly what I was experiencing. Each trip seemed to become a continuation of the last, and each one became more and more dark and depressing each time. I'm at least glad that someone knows what I'm talking about haha.


Well-Known Member
I have had some horrible trips on psilocybin... Laying in my underware on my cold bathroom floor sweating my ass of for hours throwing up tripping my ass off feeling like I was going to die. I remember one time I got so fucked up. I took all my clothes off and just sat in the back of my car by myself in my garage with the lights off and the a/c on just freaking out. Then I'd think I was cool and just stand in my driveway for a couple minutes, then I'd freak out an just go back into my car. All of my bad trips have been when I was tripping by myself.


Well-Known Member
I tirpped by myself the first time i ever tripped and I had a good time, I was in my buddy's basement and I was looking at the sweet posters he had hung on the walls.


Well-Known Member
Good company/trusted friends=Good Trip

Bad company/solitude=Bad Trip

I can't say Ive never had a bad trip, and anyone who does enough acid prolly will tell you they've had their share. but if you are consistently having bad trips, you should prolly lay off the acid.