Bagseed Indica Cutting Today 10-08-11


Well-Known Member
090411.jpg090411 bud.jpg091811.jpg 091811 bud.jpgindica 092211.jpg indica bud 092211.jpg
indica 100811.jpgIndica bud b 100811.jpgIndica bud 100811purp.jpg

Seed was started in Jiffy peat pellets on 5/14/11.
This one was in a 3 gallon pot. I wish I would have known she was an Indica from the start, or I would have planted in the ground.
I'm in the upper Midwest and have a short growing season. All my plants last year were a Sativa/Indica mix. Most of them weren't ready but the weather forced me to chop early. The pics are downloaded in order according to what date it was taken. The first pic is the full size plant, and the second pic is the bud from that plant.The last 5 pics are from today. The date the pic was taken is on the pic.
Here are the pics!



Well-Known Member
Pic 2 doesn't look done, how did you magnify the trichs like that?...pretty cool.
Pic 2 was taken 090411. I wanted to show the progression of the plant. All the pics are dated. I put my scope on the bud and my camera on the scope lens in the micro mode in order to get the closeup.


Well-Known Member
well if you say the tric's are where you like then their done...but just by the over all look of the plant...still looks like it could go 3 or 4 more weeks


Well-Known Member
Did you look at the trichs? Remember only the last 5 pics are from today. The rest were taken earlier. Thank you for your imput though!


Active Member
What was the nutes or soil you were using? FFOF will get you some kill even in the uper midwest im very surprised.


Well-Known Member
I'm using 50% home made compost made from last years garden and yard waste.
I added blood and bone meal and lime.
I aged the soil for 3 months in sealed buckets.
I fed with fish emulsion 7-5-3,Alfalfa pellets, Molasses and AMP 1.5-3-7.5 during flower.
She's small because she grew up in a 3 gallon pot.
I have never felt a bud as hard as hers.
That almost sounds dirty!


Well-Known Member

:-? Mad Hatter, I'm gonna sleep on it. Here's some more pics. The buds are really dense and are tight against the stem. Iv'e never had a plant that grew like this. I have 6 more plants to go, but this little girl is my fav.


Well-Known Member
IMG_2101.jpgIMG_2098.jpgIMG_2099.jpgIMG_2106.jpgThe main cola weighed 90gms. The rest of the buds combined weighed 80gms. One of the smaller buds weighed 5gms 3 days ago. I checked it today and it was 3g. I don't think she will lose much more weight.
The ruler is 36 inches. I left some smaller buds on the plant just to see if they get any bigger/better. I also pollinated one bud on 9/4/11 and I want to make sure the seed is ripe so I left it as well. She smells really skunky. What do ya think?

This girl is next!



Well-Known Member
Let us know the dry weight. im guessing 36 GM

I will. I think your very close. There is still a few left on the plant. The pics alone I figured about 38gm.
I'm really happy I pollinated her. I smoked the scissor hash and it was wonderfull! The seeds should be ready soon! Next year her baby is going in the ground!


Active Member
I will. I think your very close. There is still a few left on the plant. The pics alone I figured about 38gm.
I'm really happy I pollinated her. I smoked the scissor hash and it was wonderfull! The seeds should be ready soon! Next year her baby is going in the ground!
Curious, how long after pollinating does it take for the seeds to mature? How do you save back pollen? Thanks..


Well-Known Member
This is my first time making seeds. I've read 4-6 weeks. This plant was pollinated 5 weeks ago, so pretty soon they should be ripe.

I cloned my plants to sex them before they went in the ground. I got 7 females and 2 males.On July 15 I transplanted the small male clone a safe distance from the girls. He continued to flower and was producing pollen like crazy. I took a small bag and put the male flower in it and shook it. I then took the bag over to my girl and put her bud in the bag and shook it.
IMG_1866.jpgHere's a pic of her pollinated bud,two weeks after pollination.

Grow mo

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:-? Mad Hatter, I'm gonna sleep on it. Here's some more pics. The buds are really dense and are tight against the stem. Iv'e never had a plant that grew like this. I have 6 more plants to go, but this little girl is my fav.
i woulda cut it. "technically" red trichomes are overmature and they arent at there peak THC content, moslty cloudy and a FEW red ones is the way you wanna go. mad hatter was jus lookin at the pics from early on, where the hairs are still white


Well-Known Member
42g Dry. There's still more on the plant. I wanted to make sure the seeds are ripe, and I left some of the lower buds. It will be interesting to see the difference between the two harvests. I'll post pics after the cure. She's in a jar as of today! I'm starting the rest of the harvest on the other plants tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
42g Dry. There's still more on the plant. I wanted to make sure the seeds are ripe, and I left some of the lower buds. It will be interesting to see the difference between the two harvests. I'll post pics after the cure. She's in a jar as of today! I'm starting the rest of the harvest on the other plants tomorrow.
Lookin' great! It's so great having your own stash that you didn't have to buy. It's all worth the work and
the wait. Can't wait to see next year's mix that you bred.


Boy she sure does look like my lovely Sally. How tall was she in the end? Just curious. I really loved growing this girl. She is strong and sturdy. I am hoping to get a few clones off her if possible over this winter...can't hurt to try. She does have a few bits of new growth on the very bottom popcorn.