

Well-Known Member
Really? I'm using a combination of fertilizers, but I have a box of something that I'm drawing a blank on that I'm going to return. I had thought about the fish emulsion, but decided on blood meal. The tea, when it's been sitting for a couple of weeks, STANKS. :x I'll deal with the fish emulsion and mix the blood meal into the soil.


Well-Known Member
Dont spray the leaves if its that hot out. The water will burn the leaves. If you want to foiliar feed or whatever its called spray th e leaves in the morning when its cooler.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll go pick up some fish juice today - you're inspiring me! Everything was doing pretty well without it, but I'd like to amp it up since it seems like they are going into that crucial stage of preflowering.


Well-Known Member
Lol wow lumber fag. bet ud like to have a nerdy ass forums argument eh? its not my fault your retarted dude, just READ, thats when piece together letters to make words. dotn call me a fag cuz u fouled up...