barneys farm blue cheese day 25


Well-Known Member
whats there to explane.....u are an exp grower jonderman....u kno what molasses are for?......wernt u helping a notherlad grow same shit as me?.......this is my way.......looks good dont it...........
Looking good.

One question though.

You've started molasses to finish them?

I don't understand this statement.

Please explain.

(And don't talk to me about swelling and sweetening)



Well-Known Member
Yes I was helping a guy grow the same stuff.

Molasses is REALLY beneficial in organic growing but with not synthetic nutes.

It helps to feed the microherd contained in your rhizosphere when using organics.

Too much can block uptake of N causing defs.

Not trying to be a twat. (Someone else's words)

Just hope you realise that the small amounts of Mg Fe Ca etc could all be got from your COCO A and B.

If you're running organics or using extra fungi such as Trichoderma or myco then you could have been given molasses alot sooner.

But using it with synthetics IMO is pretty pointless.



Well-Known Member
yer i hear u lad......but in my eyes u was comp us a bit.....think u was trying to say his was gonna be betta cos he had your grow is bang using biobizz not coco ....and im usuing organic molasses to fin them of.......jonda aint falting u lad as u a top hard feelings yer.........
Yes I was helping a guy grow the same stuff.

Molasses is REALLY beneficial in organic growing but with not synthetic nutes.

It helps to feed the microherd contained in your rhizosphere when using organics.

Too much can block uptake of N causing defs.

Not trying to be a twat. (Someone else's words)

Just hope you realise that the small amounts of Mg Fe Ca etc could all be got from your COCO A and B.

If you're running organics or using extra fungi such as Trichoderma or myco then you could have been given molasses alot sooner.

But using it with synthetics IMO is pretty pointless.



Well-Known Member
this to me says it lad....comp our grows and saying with your help he will be betta....
IMO runoff in coco is heavily important if you are testing EC.

Imcjay your plants are looking good but it appears as though some leaves are showing an Mg def.

This could be caused by not feeding enough.

With coco by monitoring your EC you can control your plants feeding alot better.

Its not coincidence that Jay dropped down 2 plants and increased his yield through following my advice.

Whenever the top of your coco looks dry you can feed.

My monitoring EC in vs EC out you can get some Stella plants.

I estimate that jay will be doing around 25-30oz on his next run off 8 plants using my information on feeding and plant training that I shared with him during his last grow.

You've only got to look at my grow and replicate it to achieve decent results.



Well-Known Member
this to me says it lad....comp our grows and saying with your help he will be betta....
It doesn't say his is better than yours or vice versa.

It says that he's been able to reduce plant numbers and increase his yield based on some training and monitoring techniques that I've helped him with.



Well-Known Member
yer but the way u have worded it sounds like it lad....and with your advice it would be betta......not gonna argue anyways on me thred bro.....esp not with u as i sed your a top bloke......


Well-Known Member
yer but the way u have worded it sounds like it lad....and with your advice it would be betta......not gonna argue anyways on me thred bro.....esp not with u as i sed your a top bloke......
No worries.

Do me one favour though!

Don't feed molasses to one plant and keep feeding it with your nutes. Just reduce your nute strength by half during the last 7-10days and see the differences for yourself with a test case plant.



Well-Known Member
I'm not going to bother commenting again in the uk growers thread seeing as some folks are a little hostile with someone who's into a little botony rather than MJ mythology.

I've just got one thing in here to say about different coloured leaves.

Why is it not ok at any other point in time during your grow to have different colour leaves except when you've flowered and looking to harvest?



Well-Known Member
my leafs have had a mind of there own thru harvest.......think i had yellow leafs down to overfeeding them but they soon went bak green with a flush.......
I'm not going to bother commenting again in the uk growers thread seeing as some folks are a little hostile with someone who's into a little botony rather than MJ mythology.

I've just got one thing in here to say about different coloured leaves.

Why is it not ok at any other point in time during your grow to have different colour leaves except when you've flowered and looking to harvest?



Well-Known Member
yer was gonna hang 5 to 6 days then jar for 4 weeks....a tester nug from last week...nice and fruity crystly.......bit leafy cos was quick trim.....IMG_1024.jpg


Well-Known Member
Bit leafy I agree but my own was a similar look with purple bud leaves.

Slight violet colour to the calyx.

Ill try and link a pic.

Notice the small bud leaves curled back against the buds.

Those were purple.

I'm unsure what the strain actually was other than "cheese". It DEFINATELY had a fruity smell while they were growing.



Well-Known Member
yer can see the resemb.......and fruity smell is nice wen i burp jar
Bit leafy I agree but my own was a similar look with purple bud leaves.

Slight violet colour to the calyx.

Ill try and link a pic.

Notice the small bud leaves curled back against the buds.

Those were purple.

I'm unsure what the strain actually was other than "cheese". It DEFINATELY had a fruity smell while they were growing.


Herb Man

Well-Known Member
yes you get a lot of different advice in here, and even in different guides posted online, best advice I can give you here and one I found is the best, is to find out for yourself, only real way of knowing for sure, and learning, if you just ask questions and do what others say you will never learn to read your plants and act upon it, in the end even before your plants know its need it ;) take the advice in here with a grain of salt so to speak and use what ever seems logical and make sense for you, also, no grows is 100% similar, it all depend, what works for the next guy might not work for you, many things play a role when growing, when taking advice in here, its mostly a good thing to do some research/google on it afterwords and see what Ppl. suggest also is the right thing to do, agin noting online is the 100% truth but its a nice starting point to start at and gain your own experience from

sory Im stoned and keep blaberling :D

have a nice weekend Bro :)
Yeah, go by science first, advice second.

The science should be the foundation.

Nice looking plants imcjayt.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
:leaf: Sweet grow there imc! Those are some thick sticky looking buds. Do you have a microscope...I don't remember you saying...but I'm high dude (lol). Good job if your last grow for year and good luck if you are working on a new crew. If you get a chance, check my "Your Opinion" thread and give me your opinion. Peace...