Barney's Farm - Tangerine Dream - Waterfarm!


Well-Known Member
I'm with you there, I can cross 2 borders in less than 2 hours drive, and a third one in 4. I remember when I was in the Americas I had a sense of loneliness, meaning that in order to find another culture I'd have to take a plane for hours.
Yea, it kinda sucks. I want to live in Europe for a couple of years. It'd be nice to drive to another Country instead of having to hop on a plane. I suppose those living on the border of Canada and Mexico can do that but I don't really think it's a major culture difference. Most people in Canada speak English and are fairly similar. Mexico,.. um,.. nobody wants to go to Mexico. :lol: We better stop, I don't want to derail Dayzt's awesome journal.


Well-Known Member
Not only awesome but very educational as well. I'm definitely gonna give it a go after I get some experience first. Did I mention inspirational? That too :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Getting close now!

Were you satisfied with the little extra wait? :)

I still haven't smoked more than a half oz of my herb... still curing! 7+ weeks on one plant, 4+ on the other. Heaven!!


Well-Known Member
Great to hear this journal has inspired you! I'm just passing on the information as i repeat what others have already done.. =)

I think the extra wait has given us a bit more weight, size and amount of bud that's 'riper', rather than just close to ripe. There's still a lot of spindly lower buds that won't get much bigger anymore now. So overall, it was worth the extra time!


Well-Known Member
Thanks 313 - we be blessed! :leaf:

Here's a pic update - possibly the last until just before chop time - enjoy!! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Lol...nice! It's really hard to believe what came from that tiny seedling!! Never underestimate the power of the waterfarm!! still amazes me every time I open the tent... :leaf:

Damn, it looks so delicious!
lookin chunky to me ;)

congrats man
Truly, this is a work of art!
I really appreciate all the encouraging and flattering comments! Thank you so much - be sure to stay tuned for the final week and following harvest/smoke reports that will follow in the next month or 2.

This girl really has 'chunked' out more - even in the last 2-3 days. It's almost impossible to keep all the tops standing properly - it's a challenge to just keep them up and not be too close to the bulb! A lot of them are really just leaning on each other at this point - as long as they don't pull down the light on top of them with these tied connected to my bulb-mount...there's some serious tension on those lines as you can

Cheers one and all - keep the comments coming, I try to answer everyone! I'll be away for about a week after Sept 2nd, but will have internet access and should still be able to reply while this girl is drying. =)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Thank you so much Dayzt for the wonderful journal which included great growing advice and amazing photographs.
Have a safe vacation and have fun! I will be looking forward to the final dayz here with your Dream and can not wait for the smoke report. What kinda grow is up next for Dazyt? Take it easy


Active Member
Haven't been able to check in for a while. Continuously impressed by your results, Dayzt. I hope you'll have some help when it comes time to trim that beautiful beast!


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much Dayzt for the wonderful journal which included great growing advice and amazing photographs.
Have a safe vacation and have fun! I will be looking forward to the final dayz here with your Dream and can not wait for the smoke report. What kinda grow is up next for Dazyt? Take it easy
You're most welcome! Once again - thanks so much for the encouragement! It's my pleasure ( to share this adventure with everyone. I'll be sure to post results and reports as timely as I can, as things slowly draw to a close for this round. By far our most successful grow thus far - and looking to continue on with the waterfarm(s) for the forseeable future! I've mentioned it a few times back amongst the now 50+ pages of this journal.. =) Next up will be 2 waterfarms with Barney's Vanilla Kuch in one and TGA's Ace of Spades in the for a link to that journal at the end of this one when the time comes! :leaf:

Haven't been able to check in for a while. Continuously impressed by your results, Dayzt. I hope you'll have some help when it comes time to trim that beautiful beast!
Heya Kriz!! I was kinda wondering where you disappeared to! =) I most def have some help this weekend with this 'monstrous' task - we'll see how long it takes to plow through these trees - no rush, I'm a bit of a picky manicurist (is that a word?), so I'll need to be extra careful with all the leaf one this biatch, especially the lower shit... most of which will go to hash and butter I'm guessing. Stay tuned for the last 'hurrah'!! :leaf:


I'm growing a TD under 400w HPS in soil and it's slow going TBH, your grow is everything mine isn't lol - amazing, one of the most impressive grows I've seen, looking forward to the smoke report, and a hash report would be cool too, well done mate. How much of your success is down to the waterfarm do you reckon?


Active Member
Heya Kriz!! I was kinda wondering where you disappeared to! =) I most def have some help this weekend with this 'monstrous' task - we'll see how long it takes to plow through these trees - no rush, I'm a bit of a picky manicurist (is that a word?), so I'll need to be extra careful with all the leaf one this biatch, especially the lower shit... most of which will go to hash and butter I'm guessing. Stay tuned for the last 'hurrah'!! :leaf:
What tech are you thinking about going with when it comes time to make your hash? Been thinking about picking up on some bubble bags myself. Oh, and be sure to sub up on my new journal! Would def appreciate your input from time to time.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a TD under 400w HPS in soil and it's slow going TBH, your grow is everything mine isn't lol - amazing, one of the most impressive grows I've seen, looking forward to the smoke report, and a hash report would be cool too, well done mate. How much of your success is down to the waterfarm do you reckon?
Right on man - this strain does indeed require some p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e..!! =) As far as how much I can attribute to the waterfarm medium - I can only guess that it's a MAJOR factor, but I've seen a few massive soil grows of TD on RIU as well...Sr.Verde comes to mind! =)

Being my very first venture into the 'hydro' world in general, I'm amazed at what it can do and the 'potential' with how it would perform with other strains... but this TD is a sloooow bitch as it is, nevermind what you're planting her in...

I'll try to remember to post a hash report as well - it obviously won't be for about a month or more, but remind me if I

What tech are you thinking about going with when it comes time to make your hash? Been thinking about picking up on some bubble bags myself. Oh, and be sure to sub up on my new journal! Would def appreciate your input from time to time.
Bubble all the way - I have a set of 1-gallon bags (5-bag set I think it is), but my buddy has a 5-gallon set as well - we'll see how much trim we get...

Fo sho man - I can't believe I missed your journal 'kick-off'...I'll check it out asap. Cheers man!!! :leaf:

It's time to make the 'pilgrimage' up to Canada, EH!? Big trimming party this weekend!!


Active Member
Bubble all the way - I have a set of 1-gallon bags (5-bag set I think it is), but my buddy has a 5-gallon set as well - we'll see how much trim we get...

Fo sho man - I can't believe I missed your journal 'kick-off'...I'll check it out asap. Cheers man!!! :leaf:

It's time to make the 'pilgrimage' up to Canada, EH!? Big trimming party this weekend!!
Much thanks, Dayzt. You haven't really missed the "kick-off" as I just started the journal this morning, ha! I'm going to do my best to post updates pretty regularly though. As far as a pilgrimage goes, a trim party def sounds like a worthy cause! I'll actually be throwing my own little party this weekend. I have all these ounces of Williams Wonder and BC Mango that my friends are just dying to try. This Friday marks five weeks of curing.

Question about bubble hash (since it sounds like you've made it before.) Do you have to cure it? I'll read up on it later, but I was just pondering this one thing.

Have a great, trim-filled weekend!


Well-Known Member
Much thanks, Dayzt. You haven't really missed the "kick-off" as I just started the journal this morning, ha! I'm going to do my best to post updates pretty regularly though. As far as a pilgrimage goes, a trim party def sounds like a worthy cause! I'll actually be throwing my own little party this weekend. I have all these ounces of Williams Wonder and BC Mango that my friends are just dying to try. This Friday marks five weeks of curing.

Question about bubble hash (since it sounds like you've made it before.) Do you have to cure it? I'll read up on it later, but I was just pondering this one thing.

Have a great, trim-filled weekend!
Sweet - you'll have to let me know what that mango tastes like, i'm intrigued!

As far as 'curing' your trim before processing it, I actually don't know if you need to. I do know that it should be 'bone dry' before you use it so that the trich-heads detach easily... I've always just used trim that had been sitting in a paper-bag for at least a month or two prior. I put all my trim into large paper bags with multiple holes in them (used a pen, so holes about that size). I normally have the bag(s) sitting in the dark somewhere dry until needed, and pick it up and shake it up occasionally to ensure it's drying evenly - very simple. Our last hash run was trim that had accumulated from about 3-4 grows - deadly hash, nice and light-brown swirled with dark-brown once dried and rolled into balls...we call'em

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
This girl really has 'chunked' out more - even in the last 2-3 days. It's almost impossible to keep all the tops standing properly - it's a challenge to just keep them up and not be too close to the bulb! A lot of them are really just leaning on each other at this point
Love to say I told ya so :)

I had the same problem with them falling all over the place...

every time i unzipped my tent it was like 4 donkey dick colas coming out and hitting me in the face :lol:

