Baseboard Heater Into A 220 Outlet Picture Included


Well-Known Member
i was going to do this myself..........but 110 volt i just want the breaker for a AC/heater unit for the area

but for safety man i would not do it as u have it in the pic...........i can see why and how u did it that way but u are asking for something bad to happen

one that is alot of power u have it connected to a metal heater with metal screws a area that will have humidity and water ......not to speak of low to the ground (flooding).....and it is a open as in the wires can be seen dust lint and cob webs

for your own safety kill the breaker to the heat in that room and remove it /redo what u want ..........just take the whole base board off ..........then u need to redo the thermastat to a light swtich then u can pull the cable up lot higher(or make a patch work correctly and protect it add some more cable and mount it higher and closer to where u need )

but as is now for it to work u need to have the thermastat set on high (over the temp of the room to keep the power going) .........and there is a pretty big odds of a arc sparks short out/fire with the way it is made now