Baseman elephant stomper & lemon stomper


Well-Known Member
I would like to hear from anyone growing either of these ?? & if so how was it I'm seriously considering one or both


Well-Known Member
I ran hazemans grapes 13 and all four females had grape terps but two were much louder. Not the strongest herb but used a grapes 13 male and hit a blue dream leaning pheno of my miyagi cross and the first female out of those is by far one of the best grape/berry terps Ive had since my 02' cut of blueberry.

I think out crosses would be a good go to and genuity has a few good grapey crosses i.e. honeybee and goofy grapes in regular sex beans.

If you're looking for berry and grape terps in feminized form my grape sato crosses are solid at a steal of a price.


Well-Known Member
gonna take a minute to thank people for replying as I haven't done seeds in awhile but my nearby clone sources are dwindling seems since calif legalized it the government is more involved & not what I was expecting at all lol