bazooka joe bubblegum cookies


Well-Known Member
WTF is this shit... whats the cross bubblegum x GSC or just f'n bubblegum someone is trying to make sound like something it isn't? If you get the read deal bubblgum it smells and tastes legit, I grow serious seeds bubblegum, love it!!


Well-Known Member
I know this is an old ass post but

I've smoked t several times not super impressed with the strength

But definitely one of the nose interesting smelling and tasting flowers I've come across
And I smoke a lot
It Litterally smells and tastes like pink bubble gum

I've been searching for clones for a good while now
And finally found some they are very dark and have a look of gsc just a lot darker and very very very temperamental

If anyone has grown this or has info on it please share

Haricot Vert

Well-Known Member
There is a thread on IC by a guy named DTOG or thereabouts. The thread has whorehouse in the title... At any rate he is crossing a bazooka bubblegum dad with a bunch of popular named strains. I think GSC is in the line-up.