BC college of doctors allegedly moves to require 3 month ACMPR renewals


Well-Known Member
Wait until idiotic regional/municipal policies like this start to pop up. This is exactly why I've stayed and will continue under the radar. We have years of fighting for the right to grow/medicate without being hassled, the "evil weed" syndrome is still very alive.


Well-Known Member
From Conroy:

In my opinion those of you covered by the Allard injunction should still go back and regularly see your doctors to ensure continued support and if possible have the doctor put the new date of review on the document .It is important to have reasonably current and ongoing support.It used to be that annually was sufficient but now the BC College is saying every 3 months!
Also if you are not supported by your original treating doctor you should try and ensure there is a referral on file from that doctor to your current doctor as a person with some expertise much like a referral to a specialist.
All problems encountered should be documented and the evidence provided either to the MMAR Coalition or your own lawyers office or my office by email (office at johnconroy.com) or snail mail so we can identify the issues for possible future action.


Well-Known Member
From Conroy:

In my opinion those of you covered by the Allard injunction should still go back and regularly see your doctors to ensure continued support and if possible have the doctor put the new date of review on the document .It is important to have reasonably current and ongoing support.It used to be that annually was sufficient but now the BC College is saying every 3 months!
Also if you are not supported by your original treating doctor you should try and ensure there is a referral on file from that doctor to your current doctor as a person with some expertise much like a referral to a specialist.
All problems encountered should be documented and the evidence provided either to the MMAR Coalition or your own lawyers office or my office by email (office at johnconroy.com) or snail mail so we can identify the issues for possible future action.
It's nice that John has an opinion, now if he could just fix this pesky little inconvenience of "doctors- refusing-to- sign- unless- you- pay- an -extortion- fee" thing. I need not and will not beg or pay any doctor to treat myself. Right or wrong, I'm going with my right to autonomy over my body. The greed oozing out of the medical profession is enough to validate my position.


Well-Known Member
That's awful. If it turns to mmar delays you could get 2-3 scripts without even receiving your 1st license. I sent mine off a week ago and called yesterday and said I'm in final stages...I'm expecting 3-5 weeks turn aground. They really do not like to give an estimate on time no matter how much you play with words. Sorry BC guys. Last 2 times I went to walk in clinic in GTA there has been medical marijuana pamphlets.


Well-Known Member
Apparently the same deal here in Alberta. I thought the doc only signed for 3 moths the first time due to an increase in my script but yesterday at my renewal appointment he said the college is saying 3 months max now. So to deal with long wait times at HC I now have to see him every 6 weeks to get my papers in time to keep growing.


Well-Known Member
what a funny way to increase business... 4x/year vs 1x/year

this is simply a make work project. ring up extra charges every few months in most cases (there will be some patients who find merit in continued oversight or who need changes to their prescription etc...) and use the guise of responsibility and integrity as the basis for the decision to buy some social currency, all the while giving out pharma drugs like candy without all these restrictions.

new patients who don't have a history with cannabis might find this useful but a lot of us are being put out with this type of doctor/patient scheduled interaction.

user hidden

Well-Known Member
it's been a 3 month follow up in Quebec for a while.
this is due to fact that here under mmj you are part of a study so followup is required.

it just keeps getting harder with all these road blocks across the country.
every province seems to get their hands into the "pot"


Well-Known Member
Just another hurdle or attempt to make it as hard as possible for folks.
Each health card swipe is $$$ and then they will expect extra to fill out the forms.
Greedy blood thirsty sharks circling around everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Given that I have gone over two (three?) years without having to renew, and it could be one or two more until the injunction ends, it's kinda hard to claim the world will end if I don't line a doctors pockets every three months. My position is my disease is progressive and irreversible, and I have managed to successfully grow medicine and treat myself autonomously for that length of time. To now claim that I need a doctors permission to continue is ludicrous. I'm done playing games.


Well-Known Member
From Conroy:

In my opinion those of you covered by the Allard injunction should still go back and regularly see your doctors to ensure continued support and if possible have the doctor put the new date of review on the document .It is important to have reasonably current and ongoing support.It used to be that annually was sufficient but now the BC College is saying every 3 months!
Also if you are not supported by your original treating doctor you should try and ensure there is a referral on file from that doctor to your current doctor as a person with some expertise much like a referral to a specialist.
All problems encountered should be documented and the evidence provided either to the MMAR Coalition or your own lawyers office or my office by email (office at johnconroy.com) or snail mail so we can identify the issues for possible future action.
i found out that here in BC, the College has told us that in order to sign up, you have to be signed or referred to a Dr with longitudinal care so going to see your cannabis Dr to update them is a very good idea for when the injunction is lifted. that way your cannabis Dr will have had their own longitudinal care that they can just sign the paperwork without the referral. i wish i had known this a while back but who knew they were going to come up with that one


Well-Known Member
, the College has told us...
The college has also issued policy directing doctors not to prescribe cannabis or face sanctions. Then they say they should be mandated to increase their health insurance income form cannabis users by 400% on top of the extortion fees they charge. And the taxpayer wonders where our health care money goes...
The college, the doctors and the entire medical profession have lost all credibility on many levels, but particularly when it comes to cannabis. I hope this blows up in their smug little faces. Injunction or not, legal or not, I'm going to keep on doing what I have been doing. The next doctor that examines me will be the one signing my death certificate.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
If a Doctor told me to jump through that many hoops, I would tell them.(while I laughed) I can get all the cannabis I want and will. I don't need you...and I'd walk out. Why stay and deal with that person when they ain't doing what you want or need and won't in the future. Time to tell that cunt off and leave...laughing.
I'd point out you ain't the caretaker of weed. I'd say " your the caretaker of a whole buncha other thing, but it ain't my weed " Fuck am I glad my doctor is a good dude. He doesn't care I use weed. He knows I got more serious issues than that.
Rat and report these others to Conroy...he's asking folks to do that.
When I told him years ago I already use it and will be in the future, he laughed and said "sure"
I am very grateful for him and very sorry for all those who go through so much crap.
I'm with Chris....I do my thing.
Even if I had to buy BM ...then I would.