BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3


Active Member
Slime and phytium are common in dwc. The pic i posted had slime but wasnt as bad as my other producer. This slime didnt really cause problems, no dying roots, air stones stayed clean. I belive some of the nutes i used made it slimmy and stained but it could have been a lighter version of pytium that showed late it flower.

But on my other producer i had an extreme slime issue. Slime would cover all air stones and roots. Killing and shriving roots. Was bad, stunted plants like a bitch. If your cutting your roots. u have an issue. H202 will not kill this stuff. Have to get a product called "guardian angel" pretty expensive paid 110 for 4 liters also use 5-7mls of bleach treatment. This angel shit is keeping my roots long, healthy and bright white.

Posted a pic of my old pro, this is my new run. 20 days.



Active Member
The pic of these roots show the same brown slimy crap that I have been trying to kill...am I an idiot is this brown earthy smelling crud ok on the roots? I just cut the crap out of mine to try and keep them clean...
If you're using any sort of organics, expect some form of discolouration on the roots in one form or another. I'm using mother earth tea and b-52 in my run currently, and there are brown areas on the roots, which is totally normal.

I don't like the fact that it's slimey, but the smell is a real indicator. Earthy is totally normal. Root rot has a very distinct smell, it smells like a sour gym bag, it's really disgusting and totally unmistakeable... nothing that could be mistaken for an earthy smell. Are your actual roots brittle and or mushy? that's what happened to mine when I was battling root rot. If they are still firm, roots are growing, plants are growing, I say don't worry about it. If they are mushy, brittle, stunted in any way, you have a problem. Give us some better details and we can help you out.


Active Member
The pic of these roots show the same brown slimy crap that I have been trying to kill...am I an idiot is this brown earthy smelling crud ok on the roots? I just cut the crap out of mine to try and keep them clean...
by the way there's no picture in your post.


Active Member
the correct answer is (B) and im not quite sure about what kind of set up producer owners have how about some pictures. if there is an ac that may blow air towards the filter how about a shield maybe make a box for around the filter, i believe the filter im looking at is about 15 to 20 inches tall so i would make like a 8 to 12 inch tall box but half or so of the filter would still be exposed to create passive air and wont drive the producers fans crazy, cut a round whole for the 4" aluminuim exhaust ducting and most if not all air should reach the filter since the new inline would probably be of a higher cfm rating.
As I said earlier, I don't think this will work as well as you want it to given a portable AC is in the room. A lot of growers have this problem with any set up. If you have an AC that exchanges air (like ours) rather than freon (like central AC or 3/5ton units), your carbon scrubbers will always be competing against your air conditioner for drawing air our of your grow room. One of the solutions to this problem is to get an air conditioner that has it's intake air ductable, so you can put ducting from your treated scrubber directly into the AC, and away you go. Unfortunately, my unit, and I know many other units do not have this, and the result is your AC is drawing a powerful flow of air from wherever it's sitting in the room, and exhausting the hot treated air outside of your grow area. The producer typically works fine because in ideal situations, the small scrubber built in doesn't allow any untreated air into the room period, but as we all know, the smaller scrubber sometimes just isn't enough.

I'm speaking strictly from my own experience. I've used ona blocks as well. If the air in the grow room isn't totally treated and directly ducted to the AC, you *will* have some degree of smell issues, there's not a lot of ways around this. You wouldnt be able to just stick a piece of ducting on the back of your exhaust vent and stick it near a scrubber, it just wouldn't cut it. If you were to attatch that ducting to the in-port of your scrubbers CFM fan, and have that running, that's another story. But the question is: will you have to dismantle the fan inside the producer, and just use the scrubbers air-draw? Could you have both the exit air fans and the scrubber fans running in concert without damaging equipment? These are questions I'm afraid I don't have an answer to.


As I said earlier, I don't think this will work as well as you want it to given a portable AC is in the room. A lot of growers have this problem with any set up. If you have an AC that exchanges air (like ours) rather than freon (like central AC or 3/5ton units), your carbon scrubbers will always be competing against your air conditioner for drawing air our of your grow room. One of the solutions to this problem is to get an air conditioner that has it's intake air ductable, so you can put ducting from your treated scrubber directly into the AC, and away you go. Unfortunately, my unit, and I know many other units do not have this, and the result is your AC is drawing a powerful flow of air from wherever it's sitting in the room, and exhausting the hot treated air outside of your grow area. The producer typically works fine because in ideal situations, the small scrubber built in doesn't allow any untreated air into the room period, but as we all know, the smaller scrubber sometimes just isn't enough.

I'm speaking strictly from my own experience. I've used ona blocks as well. If the air in the grow room isn't totally treated and directly ducted to the AC, you *will* have some degree of smell issues, there's not a lot of ways around this. You wouldnt be able to just stick a piece of ducting on the back of your exhaust vent and stick it near a scrubber, it just wouldn't cut it. If you were to attatch that ducting to the in-port of your scrubbers CFM fan, and have that running, that's another story. But the question is: will you have to dismantle the fan inside the producer, and just use the scrubbers air-draw? Could you have both the exit air fans and the scrubber fans running in concert without damaging equipment? These are questions I'm afraid I don't have an answer to.
i hear you ok if i was to connect a new inline what cfm rating do u think will do


Active Member
Day 24 Flowering

The co2 I've been running for the past week has been really kicking these girls into high gear, growing over an inch a day. The plant that was 18" four days ago is now 22". The plant that was 13" is now 18". My tallest plant, the branchy one pictured below is 24". On my last grow, the vertical height stopped around day 28 of flower, so I'm hoping things slow down vertically and only grow another 4-5 inches max. My nutrient ppm is about 800 right now. Trying to keep pH in line, but my meter is off and I'm waiting for another to arrive in the mail.

As you can see, I installed a little 4" fan in the back left corner to blow air through the hot spot that these Producers create on that side. The only way to run it though is to feed the electrical cord out through the doors... unless I come up with a better solution, or any of you have one for me.

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I was in too much of a panic to take pics of slime before i really should have I just snapped these a few mins ago its pretty sad under there now i really went to town to get what I thought was another case of root rot...but air stones were clean and so was res. Do you think that guardian stuff will help with the revival?


Day 24 Flowering

The co2 I've been running for the past week has been really kicking these girls into high gear, growing over an inch a day. The plant that was 18" four days ago is now 22". The plant that was 13" is now 18". My tallest plant, the branchy one pictured below is 24". On my last grow, the vertical height stopped around day 28 of flower, so I'm hoping things slow down vertically and only grow another 4-5 inches max. My nutrient ppm is about 800 right now. Trying to keep pH in line, but my meter is off and I'm waiting for another to arrive in the mail.

As you can see, I installed a little 4" fan in the back left corner to blow air through the hot spot that these Producers create on that side. The only way to run it though is to feed the electrical cord out through the doors... unless I come up with a better solution, or any of you have one for me.

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What I think I will do is drill a small hole in the back of the machine and cut the plug of the fan to run it through the hole and attatch another end to plug it in. I replace the ends of my extension cords all the time at work so it should be the same process I think.


Slime and phytium are common in dwc. The pic i posted had slime but wasnt as bad as my other producer. This slime didnt really cause problems, no dying roots, air stones stayed clean. I belive some of the nutes i used made it slimmy and stained but it could have been a lighter version of pytium that showed late it flower.

But on my other producer i had an extreme slime issue. Slime would cover all air stones and roots. Killing and shriving roots. Was bad, stunted plants like a bitch. If your cutting your roots. u have an issue. H202 will not kill this stuff. Have to get a product called "guardian angel" pretty expensive paid 110 for 4 liters also use 5-7mls of bleach treatment. This angel shit is keeping my roots long, healthy and bright white.

Posted a pic of my old pro, this is my new run. 20 days.

WOW that sure is a healthy root system!! Thats 20 days crazy. So you say Guardian angel I am heading to my local store right now to see if they carry it. I am using B-52 mothers earth tea I cut out carbo load I think that may have been the start of all the carnage, big bud, pink blood and green, rhino, and h2o2.


Active Member
What I think I will do is drill a small hole in the back of the machine and cut the plug of the fan to run it through the hole and attatch another end to plug it in. I replace the ends of my extension cords all the time at work so it should be the same process I think.
I have no clue how to do that... :) Can you provide a link or instructions?


Active Member
WOW that sure is a healthy root system!! Thats 20 days crazy. So you say Guardian angel I am heading to my local store right now to see if they carry it. I am using B-52 mothers earth tea I cut out carbo load I think that may have been the start of all the carnage, big bud, pink blood and green, rhino, and h2o2.
Carbo load will destroy you if you don't have a ton of roots to suck it up. It's what started my root rot last crop. Could you post a pic of your roots?


Active Member
Carbo load will destroy you if you don't have a ton of roots to suck it up. It's what started my root rot last crop. Could you post a pic of your roots?
Angel is helping my roots out strongest ever been, its keeping any slime or root phytium away. remember more roots more bud. You guys need to get bud blood it can turn a few roots in the rez into hundreades within the first week. i posted some pics new and old of my roots from about week 1 to week 3. its best when roots are completly covered in red. its like root steriods. ive tried other products but nothing compares to the blood . Wouldnt grow without it

Now that i have heathy root structure and using angel for anti pyhtium im going to introduce bud candy aka carboload. This shit really helps develop fat buds but will cause problems in DWC. ill keep u guys posted how the candy reacts( i cut it out completly last run cause of slime)



Active Member
Angel is helping my roots out strongest ever been, its keeping any slime or root phytium away. remember more roots more bud. You guys need to get bud blood it can turn a few roots in the rez into hundreades within the first week. i posted some pics new and old of my roots from about week 1 to week 3. its best when roots are completly covered in red. its like root steriods. ive tried other products but nothing compares to the blood . Wouldnt grow without it

Now that i have heathy root structure and using angel for anti pyhtium im going to introduce bud candy aka carboload. This shit really helps develop fat buds but will cause problems in DWC. ill keep u guys posted how the candy reacts( i cut it out completly last run cause of slime)
Can't wait to see it man. I'm using the recommended dose of carboload (45ml in 35 litres of water) and having no problems. Last run I had issues, but very few roots were in the water when I started. This grow, my roots are so full, they are floating on top of the water with the lid lifted. They appear to be eating the carboload up instead of having it sit there causing problems. I never knew bud blood had anything to do with root mass, I always thought it was just a PK spike to speed up the flowering process, and to shave off a bit of cycle time.


I though bud blood was also just a flower stimulator to explode the flowers a they put it. I used bud blood in week 2's food I am currently halfway through week 3 can i still use the bb? I will be mixing guardian into res tonight. Should I add it to a fresh res or will it mix into older food?


Active Member
I though bud blood was also just a flower stimulator to explode the flowers a they put it. I used bud blood in week 2's food I am currently halfway through week 3 can i still use the bb? I will be mixing guardian into res tonight. Should I add it to a fresh res or will it mix into older food?
My understand is bud blood is for the very first week of flowering only, then you replace it with your normal PK booster (big bud, etc).


Active Member
bb only for week 1 but im sure u can use it for week two aswell. Not only does it speed cycle time it boost the pants into over drive. yes mix angel in every rez about 150-200 mls u will have to cut your h202 down to 1-3rd regular usage. If you have slime already may take a few runs to really make a difference. This shit work great to prevent slime.


Carbo load will destroy you if you don't have a ton of roots to suck it up. It's what started my root rot last crop. Could you post a pic of your roots?
ive heard bud candy is a very similar product to carboload does anybody have experience with this. do roots have to suck this up aswell any info would be appreciated.


bb only for week 1 but im sure u can use it for week two aswell. Not only does it speed cycle time it boost the pants into over drive. yes mix angel in every rez about 150-200 mls u will have to cut your h202 down to 1-3rd regular usage. If you have slime already may take a few runs to really make a difference. This shit work great to prevent slime.
Awesome I switched nutes out today so it is in it said to add 1ml for 1.5L that would be 40ml or so for a 50L res but if u recommend 175ml no worries I will up the dosage right now.

No slime to report there is some slight algae but I will deal with that after harvest by playing with the lid. Snowballs are the size of my thumb and starting to smell the sweet nectar everytime I open box.