Bear attacks student who just wanted to give it a hug.


Well-Known Member
Dont young peoples parents teach them anything anymore,at the very least sit them down in front of the history channel or Discovery so they can learn something.

And this was a college student no less :roll:

Odd News - Panda in China zoo bites student who wanted a hug
Most people are living in fantasy land. You know, nothing goes wrong, everyone loves everyone, wild animals are like pets, sorry, fecking knucklehead. Lucky they are alive.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Tree huggers...HUMANS CAN NOT PEACEFULLY EXIST WITH ALL OF NATURE. They forget a thing called the food chain. Wild animals are that, WILD. I don't care how long they have been in a zoo or how many years they have been trained...THAY ARE WILD AND IT IS INSTINCT. Humans are NOT the top of the food chain so of course by nature, if any animal gets a chance, they will try and take us out. I know and accept that my dog will turn on me if I do not take care of it or mistreat it. That very animal I love will try and eat me if it gets to a point that its life depends on it or if it is hungry enough.


Well-Known Member
most college students are on xanax

not always dirty harry, read where the Red fern grows.


Well-Known Member
college students arent on xanax.
they are on adderal.

and red fern was a good book.
in elementary school.


Well-Known Member
bears dont fuck around.
See now thats exactly what im talking about,yes bears are cute but to be oblivious to the fact that it can tear a tree apart with its bare hands,that dude had to be in lala land.

Im glad the bear tore his ass up.


Well-Known Member
But pandas are so cute and fuzzy, they dont bite people. Thats an outright lie!
Did ya read at the bottom where the same bear tore up some drunk fool a year erarlier,the guy was even stupider than the new guy,he tried to hug the bear while it was sleeping.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
This is a great example of natural selection. If you are that stupid then you should die off so your stupid genes stop there. unfourtunately due to medical advances stupid people usually survive and mate with other stupid people and before you know it the whole world will be complete idiots. There was a movie called Idiocracy that was based on this theory and was pretty funny.


Well-Known Member
This is a prime example of a lot of today's youth.( I say a lot because not all are)A lot of parents for the last 10- 20 years have been either,not around to do their job, or even worse over-coddling and protecting them from " necessary" hazards. By "necessary" hazards I mean riding a bike without a helmet, knee-pads, elbow-pads protective everything. How did I learn not to fall off my bike and scrape my knee ? By falling and scraping my knee ...gasp!!We all learn from our mistakes,and if we don't make mistakes we learn nothing.


Well-Known Member
Did ya read at the bottom where the same bear tore up some drunk fool a year erarlier,the guy was even stupider than the new guy,he tried to hug the bear while it was sleeping.
Yeah man I've seen what a bear can do to stuff. I've hunted with my uncle for them, i wish i had my license back then so i could have gotten one. Now they cancel the damn hunt...