Becaused you asked


Well-Known Member
Fellow growers,

I have had several requests to give a detail description of my setup. Time to post a thread and give a step by step. I do not think my setup is any better than most out there, but it is working and does allow me to have a nice grow in a closet without even those in the apartment knowing what I am doing.

I am going to do this somewhat in the form of a grow log, as there have been many changes in the last week. I will post for each day, the pictures for that day and discuss any changes to the environment.

This is my first grow, and I am blown away at how fast things can change. Who would ever think growing some plants would be this exciting. ;)

Everything in this setup can be purchased from Home Depot. The only thing I purchased elsewhere ae the eco-floros and I bought those from Wal-Mart.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.


Active Member
So what did you buy from Home Depot to make it? How did you make your set up? Etc.....


Well-Known Member
The first stage of the box was built out of the largest storage bin I could find at Wal-Mart. I bought two of them knowing I would out grow the one in a few weeks.

I purchased 5 eco grow lights (18w and I have no idea the spectrum). Like most first time growers, I underestimated the amount of light required to find success. They did alright under the floros, but began to stretch and I had to start propping them up with q-tips.

I lined the wall of the box with tin foil to provide a light barrier and provide some reflection. In hindsight, I would have painted in all flat white after installing the foil. That will be for the next grow.

Cooling and airflow is provided by 3 12v DC cooling fans. The intake is a single speed 35 CFM which blows through the center of the CFLs. The exhaust is a 4" 20-50 CFM 3 speed fan. It allows me to provide pretty good temp control. There is a 3rd 2" multi speed which blows through the center of the plants to provide movement and airflow. They are all wired to a 600ma 12 transformer (from wal-mart).

So, after much research I upgraded the lighting... (photo 2-7-b). I purchased 2 5 light bathroom fixtures from Home Depot. $14 each. I hot glued them to the lid of the case, wired them together and to a plug, and installed 26w 6500k CFLs.

BTW, IMHO a hot glue gun is a life saver. You can glue just about anything with them and they provide good electrical insulation.

Wow, enough light makes a huge difference. The plants went crazy with the new light. One nice thing about this setup is I can control all of the lights separately. So, I can start on the floros and switch on the CFLs at any time or for only part of the day. During the next grow I have been thinking about "pulsing them." to come... germination and planting.



Well-Known Member
Cajun, I am going to give every little boring detail... At least until someone tells me to shutup. ;)


Active Member
Awesome man,

Perhaps your setup with be followed with new ideas?
Looks pretty good... That 2nd picture above your post above this one...

It looks a little dark, But i'm sure it provided enough light, your plants are looking good


Well-Known Member
Thanks slient. It looks dark because the lights throw off the meter on the camera. As I continue to post you will see there is a lot of light. Off to the gym now. I will continue the thread when I get back.


Well-Known Member
wanting a small grow, I would take notes from bear because obviously things are going perfect here...... look at those plants, they're perfect!!


Well-Known Member
It is always good to go away and find the most interesting posts.

Plastic!!!! Dewd!!! We all smoke from the same pipe! These are my babies, not plastic!

I am tired and dewds and dewdets, it is V-day.... I am silly in love and very thankful. I will post more tomorrow. The grow is doing awesome. Just about to mist the girls (hopefully) before they go to bed for the night. ;)

BTW: They have grown 5 inches in the last two days. The are doing awesome!!!!


Well-Known Member
good set up mate im under cfls my self i like the 10 light thing is that 5 in 1 i only got a 3 spotlight fixture with 3 23w energy savers witch give out 125w each and 1550 lumens not much but all i could find thinking of wiring my own with household light fittings lookin at your (not plastic) plants i belive 10 is the way to go how r u gonna flower? different spectrum bulbs or are you gonna go hid?


Well-Known Member
I am flowing now. I will update this thread tomorrow with more details. In shot though, I am flowering with 10 42w 2700k CFLs. They are doing very well.


Well-Known Member

January 1, 2007

I germinated in paper towels with distilled water. I put about 15 seeds from some average bag pot in a paper towel on a plate and covered it soaked it with water. I then put another plate on top and put it in the top of my kitchen cabinets. One by one they sprouted. All together it took about a week for the seeds to germinate. Once they had a little budding growth, I planted them in two flower boxes 32" long and 6" wide. So, 5 plants in each box.

At first I thought 1 plant did not make it . Once a couple of days had passed and it did not reappear through the soil I planted another in its place. About a week later, the other one came up right next to the replant. I left them both next too each other and they are both doing great.

I used Miracle Grow Moister Control Potting Soil strait out of the bag. It has some time release nutes. During this time I watered every 3 days and misted them as they begin to put on leaves.

I do not have a photo ( :( ) to show. They grew strong at first and then began to get too tall and a couple fell over from being top heavy. At this point I was using 5 18w eco grows from wal-mart. It was clear there was not enough light.

About 2 week after planting I purchased 2 5 light bathroom fixures and installed 10 26w 6500k CFLs. Wow, after having just the 5 eco grow it was like turning on the sun. The plants responded by growing like crazy! In about a week they went from 4 leaves to bushes!

I top coated the soil to make up for setting and to provide a little more support for the stems, which a couple of them still needed. All 11 plants were going strong at this point.

However, I had one problem. Up to this point I had one fan install in toward the bottom for ventilation. It was pulling air through holes in the handles. I was averaging about 95f and 20% RH. I knew this was not a good thing.

My next post will be about the reworking of the ventilation.


Well-Known Member
...I guess interest has died off. If anyone is interested in more details please send me a private message.



Well-Known Member
Agreed. I too would like to see how they are doing. I would really like to build my own grow box I simply lack the funding to do so right now. (I'm eating ramen here people :P) Anyways I have a design and specifications for a 3 foot tall grow cabinet that has a few tricks up its sleeve.


Well-Known Member
I have a question for you, you may have awnsered it in another post but, what are you going to do when it gets taller? how will you acomidate for that? Thanks Dude.
