Before guns get banned buy one of these!

So for those of you who are scared that guns may be banned at some point in the future and want to purchase a gun but don't have 1k plus to shell out I have the solution for you....... The Mosin Nagant.... for between 80-110 bucks you can take one of these babies home. Why the mosin you might ask?
1)Its super cheap (The russians produced 17 million of these bad boys for ww2 and many are still around today)
2)Its extremely durable
3)If properly sighted and shot by an experienced individual it can be deadly at 1000 yards!
4)Cheap powerful ammo (500 rounds for around $250)
5)Badass looking (remember using this gun in COD2?)


If you're interested check out this review


Well-Known Member
Great Weapon, but very long and cumbersome for inside the house.

I have shot a couple and they are neat weapons for sure. I think it is a 7.62 x 54( fairly close to a 30-06 in ballistics, but not as heavy a round )
A fellow at the deer lease, his brother just retired one after using it for about 15 years and killed a boat load of deer and hogs with it.




Well-Known Member
I swear down here nobody has guns.... Except maybe some Australian farmers to the west of us.


Well-Known Member
They are pretty fuckig sweet. Accurate, big cheap ammo, this one came with all the accessories and a bayonet at big5 for $100. Be warned, they were coated in cosmolene for preservation, it's a pain in the ass to clean it all out of every nook and cranny.

Oh yeah, it is heavy as hell. I wouldn't wanna hike this bad boy around, that's for sure.