Being Frugal!


Well-Known Member
I own the biggest gas guzzler .i try to leave a major footprint whereever i can. i waste water electric and gas............I only eat half a meal and throw the rest away...I stop mailing it to starving children..............Waste it all..Ill be dead in a few years and I dont give a fuck what happens to the will continue and we will all be dead...............Have a blast....stay stoned and enjoy life and stop the fuckijng worrying......with 10 millon organizations trying to fix thing and not one fucking thing has been done.......go why waste valuable times worrying.................Alfred E. Newman had it right.........WHAT? ME WORRY?


Well-Known Member
I stopped buying fast food almost completely, pretty much cut way down on stuff like ordering pizza and whatnot. Pretty much just try to make it so that I am only spending money on necessities and not waste on stuff that I don't need. There's still stuff that I spend money on that I really don't need to spend it on, like video games and stuff like that. But as time goes on you get better at telling yourself "no you can't have this".

Hope you enjoyed this cool story.

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
I own the biggest gas guzzler .i try to leave a major footprint whereever i can. i waste water electric and gas............I only eat half a meal and throw the rest away...I stop mailing it to starving children..............Waste it all..Ill be dead in a few years and I dont give a fuck what happens to the will continue and we will all be dead...............Have a blast....stay stoned and enjoy life and stop the fuckijng worrying......with 10 millon organizations trying to fix thing and not one fucking thing has been done.......go why waste valuable times worrying.................Alfred E. Newman had it right.........WHAT? ME WORRY?
If I'm missing the joke, my bad.

This thread isn't all about saving the world and stopping global warming (which I think is bullshit anyway) It's for the members who don't have a money tree growing in their backyard, and want to save a few pennies.

Cheap Basterd.

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
I just realised that I started a thread and haven't really contributed.

Things I do to save cash: Shop at the Super Market in the evening when things are reduced in price, and freeze stuff that's about to reach its use by day. Make huge batches of spaghetti bolognese, chilli, curry, stew etc and freeze them, energy saving bulbs throughout the house, repurpose everyday objects in to new and useful things, Dumpster Dive. fix PC's and Laptops on the side to earn extra cash. If I see something I like the look of I try to make it myself.

And I'm all about torrents. Fuck yeah, Free Media all-the-way

I may be a Cheap Basterd, I do still live a very fullfilling life though. Nice restaurants, travel, and all the other good stuff.

Anybody else feel like sharing ways they save money?

Cheap Basterd

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
Of course I grow my own, so that saves me a hell of a lot too.
And a valuable skill that will be with you forever.

I love the fact that we can grow our own smoke. I've had a few cool dealers in the past, for the most part though continuity can be a problem, you never know what you're getting.


I toke once a day the same amount and time each day. I have no tolerance problems and my bud lasts a long time.


Well-Known Member
If I'm missing the joke, my bad.

This thread isn't all about saving the world and stopping global warming (which I think is bullshit anyway) It's for the members who don't have a money tree growing in their backyard, and want to save a few pennies.

Cheap Basterd.[/QUOTE

You are absolutely right. My bad. I was toasted and well you know the rest. I appolize for that.....take care and thanks for pointing it out +rep

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
If I'm missing the joke, my bad.

This thread isn't all about saving the world and stopping global warming (which I think is bullshit anyway) It's for the members who don't have a money tree growing in their backyard, and want to save a few pennies.

Cheap Basterd.[/QUOTE

You are absolutely right. My bad. I was toasted and well you know the rest. I appolize for that.....take care and thanks for pointing it out +rep
No worries man. No harm done.

It's your life, live it the way you want. Fuck! If you've got the cash why not spend it, like you say, you aren't going to be around forever.

Take it easy StonedPony. Thanks for the Rep by the way

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
My frugal Tip-Of-The-Day:

Pound shops/dollar stores - These places are fucking awesome. I'm almost certain you could start an entire basic grow from one of these places.

Cheap Basterd


Active Member
to save money, i use high-efficiency lightbulbs. and turn my fridge settings and stuff down a litte. that's about it tho. oh, also i usually shop for clothes at burlington or marshalls first, name brand gear for way less, if you find your size.


to save money, i use high-efficiency lightbulbs. and turn my fridge settings and stuff down a litte. that's about it tho. oh, also i usually shop for clothes at burlington or marshalls first, name brand gear for way less, if you find your size.
I was gonna mention something about clothes here as well.... I'm married with children, so dont really give a fuck about name brand, much rather worrying about price vs value.... I've been shopping at TJmax for about the past decade now. They carry high dollar name brands, mixed with some unknowns, but they reduce the prices until it sells, so though the store can be a fucking pain in the ass to look through, you can come out with $30 shirts for $3 and such. ... I like to look just as good as the next guy, but I'm too much of a cheap basterd ;) to spend $40 on a shirt.


Well-Known Member
to save money, i use high-efficiency lightbulbs. and turn my fridge settings and stuff down a litte. that's about it tho. oh, also i usually shop for clothes at burlington or marshalls first, name brand gear for way less, if you find your size.
I like Marshalls to.
I grabbed a pair of true religions for only 75 there and when I checked them out online they were going for 170.

I usually just turn anything thats not needed off.And like gogrow said it always finds its way back on.
The easiest way I found to make money is grab a large amount of drugs and hold onto it until theres a drought then flood your neighborhood.
I know people who were really going threw it so they would get someone with a van and fill that shit up with bricks and throw a bunch of bullshit metal in there to cover them.Then they would take it to the scrap yard and dump it for a couple 100 lol.


Well-Known Member
man this thread is fucking cool. I'm a big spender and I'm beginning to hate it... a while back I had little cash and could manage.. now I make 5-6 times more than in the previous years and after 3 weeks I always find myself running out of money.. this is NOT good. I really need some self control, loved all the tips here... I'm going to have to start saving some money... :weed: best read stoned