Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
LMAO.. You cannot deny that. If you did not have faith in an Afterlife...being with god when you die.. that an invisible Entitiy is watching over your EVERY DAY TO DAY move... THAT HAD HELD YOU BACK FROM WHO YOU WOULD BE HAD YOU NOT HAD THAT ILLUSION..

WHY DON'T ALL THE CRAZY GOD BELIEVERS BECOME & STRIVE TO BE GREAT SCIENTISTS TO PROVE HIM TRUE? Is it too much Confidence in their God? Like, Why do I need to further mankinds technological advances when I have a god I will spend eterity w/.

think about where or who you would be...what you would strive to learn, had you not left all the UNKNOWN QUESTIONS TO.. "GOD"..Honestly IMO it is a COP OUT to learning.. Lazy fucks who don't wanna spend time learning about technical shyt instead would rather answer all the Tough questions with "God".. God created that, I don't need to understand it.. We would have no idea what Germs, Bacteria, Cells, Atoms are today had we simply said "God" was doing it all along.. You know bad weather? natural disasters? Back then we would BLAME GOD, Say it is an ACT OF GOD.. NOW DAYS, we KNOW How, Why, most likely when.. it will happen DUE TO UNDERSTANDING Weather & the world we live in.

You give religious people to much credit.. they may have wrote alot of books & started many wars.. but they have not bettered mankinds way of life as scientists & people who really questioned life have.
I never say "god did it" to answer my questions nor do I think I will be with god in the afterlife (if there's an afterlife).

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
LMAO.. You cannot deny that. If you did not have faith in an Afterlife...being with god when you die.. that an invisible Entitiy is watching over your EVERY DAY TO DAY move... THAT HAD HELD YOU BACK FROM WHO YOU WOULD BE HAD YOU NOT HAD THAT ILLUSION..

WHY DON'T ALL THE CRAZY GOD BELIEVERS BECOME & STRIVE TO BE GREAT SCIENTISTS TO PROVE HIM TRUE? Is it too much Confidence in their God? Like, Why do I need to further mankinds technological advances when I have a god I will spend eterity w/.

think about where or who you would be...what you would strive to learn, had you not left all the UNKNOWN QUESTIONS TO.. "GOD"..Honestly IMO it is a COP OUT to learning.. Lazy fucks who don't wanna spend time learning about technical shyt instead would rather answer all the Tough questions with "God".. God created that, I don't need to understand it.. We would have no idea what Germs, Bacteria, Cells, Atoms are today had we simply said "God" was doing it all along.. You know bad weather? natural disasters? Back then we would BLAME GOD, Say it is an ACT OF GOD.. NOW DAYS, we KNOW How, Why, most likely when.. it will happen DUE TO UNDERSTANDING Weather & the world we live in.

You give religious people to much credit.. they may have wrote alot of books & started many wars.. but they have not bettered mankinds way of life as scientists & people who really questioned life have.'re starting to sound religious.


Well-Known Member
The Brain is not an Accurate Data Thinking Device.. :) has many flaws.

So you cannot completely blame yourself for being Dumb, when you are not intelligent to begin with. Think about it.


Well-Known Member
I never said I had a problem with atheists. I said I have a problem with people that claim something is fact without any evidence.
And yeah I have a problem with inductive reasoning.... kinda.

I just asked heis that question because sativa said it's a FACT god doesn't exist, therefore doesn't he need evidence?
Where did he say that? He is certainly welcome to believe it is a fact that a god doesn't exist. If he expects others to believe as he does, then yes, he needs to provide a reasonable argument. He doesn't need evidence per se because it is the non-existence of a thing. A good logical argument may be sufficient. Evidence is necessary to demonstrate a positive claim, not a negative one because things that don't exist do not leave evidence.


Well-Known Member
Here you go mindphuk, appreciate it lol. It took me forever to find it.
Oh shit nevermind wrong post, damn it. It's somewhere but I don't feel like finding it now. Your welcome to go on a hunt for it, or you can take my word, your choice.

Without evidence it cannot be a fact.


Active Member
??? CHOOSE NOT TO GO FURTHER? So if ALL MAN was like you we would still be in the Stone Ages? What I said is the fact you live in the world you live in today is THANKS to People who did not dumb themselves down with God. THey questioned the World they live in.. YOU DIESEL ON THE OTHER HAND.. THINK IT IS AGAINST GODS LAW.. TO QUESTION THE WORLD.. you are not the future my friend, you will not create anything new or beneficial to mankind. You simply Copy & Paste what has been branded into your mind from a young age.. It is already to late for you to become someone great in regards to Real life studies..
1st off you spoon feeding me with words inever said. 2nd you almost had me fooled, talkin bout some, you was raised a Christian, you believe in God. but for like 4posts[maximum] you praising allah. later that day/next day you said- ''f*** Jesus'' now you saying you want ALL believers to convert to UNbelievers and for these things icall you a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
I think "god" is a perfect malfuction for mankinds brain to adhere to.. Mankinds uncertainty, being nieve & hopeful.. Then BAM..someone creates the IDEA of "god" something greater than themselves to which they can relax since all the pressure of Life is no longer completely up to them or on their shoulders.. they have "God" to blame & use as an answer to lifes issues.

In all honesty.. Sounds like something ingenious, Sounds like someone or something with Real Intelligence Tricked Early Man into being submissive & obedient to a higher deity.


Well-Known Member
When I mention Allah, or Bhuddah, or Jesus.. I am being sarcastic & showing that if ANYTHING.. people are TALKING ABOUT THE SAME GOD, rather than being idiotic & believing their god is the Real one.. As you say.. The GOD OF THE BIBLE.. that is BS TO ME. God did not publish shit nor is English his 1st language. lol
1st off you spoon feeding me with words inever said. 2nd you almost had me fooled, talkin bout some, you was raised a Christian, you believe in God. but for like 4posts[maximum] you praising allah. later that day/next day you said- ''f*** Jesus'' now you saying you want ALL believers to convert to UNbelievers and for these things icall you a hypocrite.

You believing in God won't save lives, it wont further the human race, it would not have gotten us to where we are.. That is proven. & I wish to share it with thoes who do not understand that.


Active Member
I think "god" is a perfect malfuction for mankinds brain to adhere to.. Mankinds uncertainty, being nieve & hopeful.. Then BAM..someone creates the IDEA of "god" something greater than themselves to which they can relax since all the pressure of Life is no longer completely up to them or on their shoulders.. they have "God" to blame & use as an answer to lifes issues.

In all honesty.. Sounds like something ingenious, Sounds like someone or something with Real Intelligence Tricked Early Man into being submissive & obedient to a higher deity.
do you know how crazy this sounds??


Active Member
When I mention Allah, or Bhuddah, or Jesus.. I am being sarcastic & showing that if ANYTHING.. people are TALKING ABOUT THE SAME GOD, rather than being idiotic & believing their god is the Real one.. As you say.. The GOD OF THE BIBLE.. that is BS TO ME. God did not publish shit nor is English his 1st language. lol
naw sir dont back now you had perfect opportunitys to say this in the thread im talkin bout but you didnt. you was being straight up, remember iasked you, who was your god? you sat there and gave me an answer, and you clearly said that you believed in a god in your response


Well-Known Member
You're an idiot & having been abducted by the Illuminati/FBI. I have nothing further to say to you.

Fuck ALLAH & your Bible. Still think I fallow him?

FYI all 288 and soon to be 289 of your posts are Bat-Shit-Crazy Talk. Good thing I can view every post you have made to Validate that.
naw sir dont back now you had perfect opportunitys to say this in the thread im talkin bout but you didnt. you was being straight up, remember iasked you, who was your god? you sat there and gave me an answer, and you clearly said that you believed in a god in your response


Active Member
You're an idiot & having been abducted by the Illuminati/FBI. I have nothing further to say to you.

Fuck ALLAH & your Bible. Still think I fallow him?

FYI all 288 and soon to be 289 of your posts are Bat-Shit-Crazy Talk. Good thing I can view every post you have made to Validate that.
your a satanist get over yourself. ima keep it cool though cause in the end your going to burn with satan(your god if you didnt know). you gettin mad cause im telling the truth and you cant stop me. the truth hurt dont it? lol


Well-Known Member
the fbi snatched me up 1day and showed me the ''plan'' of the illuminati, and let me say, the devil himself wrote it, no doubts about it. if you ever saw it YOU WILL BE CREEPED OUT TO THE POINT OF NIGHTMARES EVERY NIGHT FOR A WEEK!


I am a satanist? I think believing in a Devil or Satan is more Obsurde than Believing in a God. <3 fyi.


Well-Known Member
your a satanist get over yourself. ima keep it cool though cause in the end your going to burn with satan(your god if you didnt know). you gettin mad cause im telling the truth and you cant stop me. the truth hurt dont it? lol
If satan punishes bad people, doesn't that make him a good guy?


Well-Known Member
"GOD" is just an ancient word for "I don't know how it works". Or "We can only understand it if we pretend it has emotions like us."

This is such a long fight over an outdated word. Now people call it "A black hole" if we can't understand it. Like the 4th demension is a black