Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
first off iwant to apologise to rawbudzski. im sorry man, iwas wrong for saying those things. and iwant to say sorry to all the believers and unbelievers because, im on here talkin bout im a Christian and not representing 1in my actions. im sorry yall, ilove yall and if iever hurt anybody's feelings, im sorry. ijust want to post some things iread, thats all, please forgive me.
Proverbs ch.8 v.13

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth do I hate.

33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.
35 For whoso findeth me(wisdom) findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord.
36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
ch9 v10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

to the believers, keep your faith and dont be fooled. to the unbelievers
ch.9 v6
Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
ch.8 v.35
For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord.
Chill man.... The most you called rawbudski was a satanist, he doesn't care because doesn't believe in Satan. Other than that I saw no insults come from your posts. Your good dude...


Well-Known Member
that was very sweet diesel, truly from the heart I know it ...
i'm from america, and the christians here do it like this. holy war!

hey heisenberg.... if other cultures throw shoes and beat people to death with shoes as a means of the ultimate disrespect, does that mean the same around the globe and even in Canada too?


Active Member
thanks guys, iappreciate that. but ihave to set an example for people to follow and ican only do it by putting the Lord 1st. on my own, truefully icouldn't and wouldn't do the will of God.
Psalms ch.32 v.2

Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.
Psalms ch.32 v.5-6

I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and my iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.
6 For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him.


Active Member
Psalms ch.31 v. 9-10

9 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.
10 For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed.
15 My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.
16 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: for thy mercies' sake


Well-Known Member
No offense Diesel, but we didn't ask for you to post your fucking scripture here, so respectfully keep it to yourself.

That's the reason most of us hate your stupid dogma, cos you try force it down peoples throats.

Keep your delusions to yourself.


Well-Known Member
No offense Diesel, but we didn't ask for you to post your fucking scripture here, so respectfully keep it to yourself.

That's the reason most of us hate your stupid dogma, cos you try force it down peoples throats.

Keep your delusions to yourself.
He's apologizing using scriptures from the bible, lol. I do see your point though. Also diesel apologize from your heart man. God never wanted us to express ourselves strictly from the bible. You have your own emotions that your god gave you, :). Use those emotions man. Peace though dude, :).


Well-Known Member
Ezekiel 23:19-20
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Well-Known Member
Ezekiel 23:19-20
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Thats probably the only genuine/100% accurate thing written in it,lmao...well that's if there was any evidence at all of the Exodus...which there isn't ;)


Well-Known Member
Ezekiel 23:19-20
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Did only the donkey dick men buy ho's back then? Not one guy had a little dick that was going to her. That sucks for her, makes it a little easier for any kid to walk out though. I don't think it would be fun fuckin horse men all day.


Active Member
its cool, im not even trippin cause iused to be just like yall in not believin in God. iknow what its like, thinking you right and never lived both sides, but a fake bible site though? did you know it was fake?


Well-Known Member
Did only the donkey dick men buy ho's back then? Not one guy had a little dick that was going to her. That sucks for her, makes it a little easier for any kid to walk out though. I don't think it would be fun fuckin horse men all day.
She was probably "gapped" and needed the ispin mhor (big sausage in my language) for her to enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
its cool, im not even trippin cause iused to be just like yall in not believin in God. iknow what its like, thinking you right and never lived both sides, but a fake bible site though? did you know it was fake?
Lol. I was raised Christian until I was 13. I decided on my own at that time that it was stupid, based on conversations with Christians at my church, and how they handled conversation.
Later when I was 15 and 17 I read the Bible twice, and during those years (15,16,17) I also read translations of the Rig Veda, and Quran. Along with many other personal studies, regarding religions with and without books to refer too.
Me not following the word of, or believing in god has nothing to do with not knowing both sides.
I know what you said wasn't directed at me, but it seemed like what you were saying was that people who aren't Christian haven't "Seen the light". I'm more moral, and understand the true world around me better than OVER HALF the people I've met in a church.


Well-Known Member
What was fake. That verse is real, though yes the site is not supposed to be serious about scripture.. you can look up that section in the bible.. it says alot more than that.. Depending on which version you read, it has the exact thing I wrote written in the bible.
its cool, im not even trippin cause iused to be just like yall in not believin in God. iknow what its like, thinking you right and never lived both sides, but a fake bible site though? did you know it was fake?


Well-Known Member
I was hoping for something that distinguished Jesus in terms of validity or being real. If you are just saying he was nicer, then that's fine. Relatively speaking, Jesus is a pretty nice deity with pretty passive ideas, even if he is not totally above cruelty. His dad is a different story. I will grant you that your made up God as expressed via Jesus is a pretty okay guy. Fortunately the choice is not restricted to which version of God to follow, since the idea of any god has yet to gain serious plausibility.

As for who has my back, my friends and family of course. I prefer this pragmatic approach to covering my ass rather than gambling on which hollow idea of God to worship. My loved ones have earned my trust and confidence, proven it to me many times, and to me that deserves more than faith in a nearly unintelligible system of deity worship. What message would I be sending to them if I passed over their selfless expressions of love in favor of some absurd god, especially one as cruel and unworthy as the Abrahamic God, despite Jesus's kid gloves. I have a better sense of integrity than that. This sense of integrity; this critical introspection, among other things, also affords me confidence in myself which allows me to feel okay even if no one had my back. I am an honest man; I am a responsible man; I am right with myself, which makes me a courageous man as well. When I need inspiration and fortitude, I find it within myself. When I need a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on, I find it, justly, among my friends. I fail to see how I could find anything even close to this reassurance and security from surrendering my intelect to belief in a deity, especially the Christian version.
What's up heis?
Umm I would like to say that I don't follow Jesus in order for him to have my back in my life. I gain respect and love from my family and friends alone, I don't need help from anybody. However, you can take some examples from the scriptures and apply them to everyday situations; but people still make their own decisions. At least that's what I always thought Christians thought, well that's what I think :).
I also think the only thing Christians would really need Jesus for is the afterlife, if there is an afterlife. That may sound bad, but it's just coming out wrong and I don't know how to say what I'm thinking lol. I'm saying that yes Jesus had good teachings (IMO) but it's up to you to follow those teachings. But we can't just do some ritual and get into heaven. No, in the Christian religion we need Jesus to get into heaven.

Ahh, I hope you kinda get what I'm saying lol.
On earth we make are own choices and are just as independent as anyone else. But if there is an afterlife, then we will need to depend on Jesus.

I'm saying we don't need Jesus to cover our asses on earth, at least I don't....


Well-Known Member
its cool, im not even trippin cause iused to be just like yall in not believin in God. iknow what its like, thinking you right and never lived both sides, but a fake bible site though? did you know it was fake?
Dude, they will always make fun of god, the bible, and Jesus....
Just don't let it get to you, it's not your responsibility to make sure they follow god, it's your responsibility to follow what you believe :).

If you want to get back at them, make a thread showing historic evidence that shows many of the things written in the bible held truth. Or just point out flaws in different discoveries in science... or just don't care. If you truly believe in god, you will know that they will have to deal with him, not in a bad way, but I'm pretty sure it would be awkward for them to meet god.


Well-Known Member
What's up heis?
Umm I would like to say that I don't follow Jesus in order for him to have my back in my life. I gain respect and love from my family and friends alone, I don't need help from anybody. However, you can take some examples from the scriptures and apply them to everyday situations; but people still make their own decisions. At least that's what I always thought Christians thought, well that's what I think :).
I also think the only thing Christians would really need Jesus for is the afterlife, if there is an afterlife. That may sound bad, but it's just coming out wrong and I don't know how to say what I'm thinking lol. I'm saying that yes Jesus had good teachings (IMO) but it's up to you to follow those teachings. But we can't just do some ritual and get into heaven. No, in the Christian religion we need Jesus to get into heaven.

Ahh, I hope you kinda get what I'm saying lol.
On earth we make are own choices and are just as independent as anyone else. But if there is an afterlife, then we will need to depend on Jesus.

I'm saying we don't need Jesus to cover our asses on earth, at least I don't....
sounds like you are afraid of death and need assurances its going to be allright. (course with a freaky god like that, ya´d be jumping at jesus lol)

what if i told you, you are god, everything is god and you have nothing to worry about?
actually you can infer this from some of jesus´s "teachings" :)though personally i think the majority of "jesus´s" "teachings" are absolute major crap

"ok, there is this dude, he´s got 3 slaves, one slave made him alot of money, the rest didnt as much, ok class, raise your hand if you think you know who is the best slave?"

kinda cant help but think the bible was heavily edited to favor later rulers ;)

doesnt really fit with "if you havent got love, you havent got anything" (all joy comes from love) and lines like that.

the line "i am the way" (and whatnot) could be understood as "become like me (good and forgiving and loving dude that plays with children and is nice to women(fantastic for the times) and everyone)

"heaven is all around you" could be understood as "heaven is here, if you want it"

all great teachings, but the bible is full of crap too and obviously a mix of many different texts, edited to fit the rulers view of things (the poor should be humble and happy with their lot (so they dont stick a hayfork up your ass when you are sleeping))

did you know that when people were not allowed to read the bible (indirectly , they werent allowed to learn latin)
the line "honor your father and mother" was actually "honor your pope, your priest, your king, your lord and your mother and father" ?

believe in god (if it helps you "ye are gods" remember? "you are the light of the world")
believe in angels, believe in the afterlife,

but why the fuck you gotta believe in the bible? ("if your kid misbehaves, take him out in the courtyard and stone him to death in front of all the village")

god of the old testament = "love me or burn! i give you free will! so you can love me or burn!" (love meaning serve me and sing hosannahs to me when i go to sleep)

god of the new testament? eh...depends on what part you read.

but about being gods, "what i have done, ye will do and more"
i kinda think ;) jesus´s message was heavily misunderstood and later twisted too much.

or , it was simply just a mix from many sources, osiris, maybe teachings from buddha (lots of resemblance there)
plus others.

doesnt really matter, if i need jesus in the afterlife, im sure he´s bound to forgive me not worshipping him in life ;)
after all he´s loving and forgiving and im a good man (i dont smack people till theyve smacked me at least once and arent stopping ;) (so according to old jesus himself i ought to be good enough)

or am i ? have i become as a child? well, i play games on the puter :)

have i given up all my possessions? no, cant really do that in frigging iceland (really clever that jesus) without freezing to death in moments ;)
but im perfectly comfortable with just a small house, computer and a nice bed ;)

so im sure we can reach some sort of agreement (happy to skip having a house in heaven if its really nice there, othervise ill pick other lodgings, thank you very much, after all, my idea of heaven might not match his ;) though im sure his is pretty allright :)