Belladonna Grow


Active Member
I am growing 2 belladonnas from paradise seeds one is at 1 month and the other is at about 3 weeks. Im worried about them...there so small for a month this is my second grow and my other plant (sativa) was at 12 inches by now. Anyone have exp growing bella's? 2 x 70w hps .. 2 x 15w cfls. I had these in a small area while vegging for the first 2 weeks i think it may have stressed them to grow smaller because of the small grow area they adapted to.


Well-Known Member
Belladonna?? Is it for homeopathics? My gf's mom has grown them in her garden outside, they get HUGE! Also I think it takes two years before you can harvest the roots. Good luck. Sorry I know nothing on their germination cycle.