Bending the Stem


Well-Known Member
Hey weedyoo, good tip on the S hooks.
What I do is use pipe cleaners, they are fuzzy,like chinile or something,anyway they are soft and do not cut into the stems. I drill holes around the rim of the pot and loop rubber bands through the holes , take a section of pipe cleaner,loop one end around the stem and attach the other end to the rubber band. Do a little at a time , don't try to bend it too far at one time , take your time , each day adjust the tension on the band. This gives you something to do while you await harvest Nirvana.


Active Member
if ur concerned about fuckin' up ur plants by bending and tieing them, my method will really scare the shit out of you - i had a plant that i actually bent the branches until they snapped inside. the plant didn't die and the extra light exposure gave me lots of nice buds along all the branches - like my son keeps reminding me...they're a weed, mom, u can't kill weeds that easily...
Theres a video about suppercropping that uses the same method. He pinches the branches and then bends them down, kind of breaking them on the inside. This causes the plant to think the branches are all tops and produces nice big buds on most of the branches instead of one big bud on the top like usual.