
Hello everybody my names Big D. Just for the hell of it I planted a seed I found while cleaning. I wanted to practice growing it before investing in feminized seeds. It took off great under florencents the problem is that its about 4-6 inches tall and falling over! I still have another week to transplant/its been in a solo cup(keg cup) for 1 week. Its got 4 leaves and are beautiful. I know its a male(pretty sure) but want to keep the plant anyway but far away from my grow. Is the leaning something i should be worried about or when i transplant and begin fertilizing will stop? Thanks for your help! BD :leaf:


Active Member
Hey bro bet that seed is glad u planted it :-o Sounds like your lite needs to be closer. With t5's the lite can be inches from your plant without hurting it. No worries, you can always shorten the stalk when you replant, I do all the time :weed: Always helpful if you could post a pic....
I did move it farther from the light a few inches but put it back closer this AM. The lights are on for about 15 -16 hours. My grow tent n lights come today and my fem seeds next week.I'll keep Herman(the seed) far away from the grow if its a male but i love its my first boy.
here it is bent the stick would work so would shorting it when i transpant next week Which is better.Plus i moved it back to 2 inches from the light this morn it was about6inchesherman1.jpg


Well-Known Member
that looks just needs a little gentle air blowing on it to strengthen the stem up a bit...and when you repot it you can bury the stem with soil :)