Best 2C-x Compund

Out of:

What is your favorite one and also which one would you recommend to someone who hasn't tried any of them?


Well-Known Member
i thought that 2C-C and 2C-E , or 2C-l would be good but cant find any place to get ahold of 2C chemicals , although i guess it depends what you like for someone who hasnt tried them look em up on
2cI - Lots of Visuals

2cE - Lots of Visuals and Stimulation

2cC/D - Lots of Stimulation

I would recommend 2cE or 2cP
Thanks money this is exactly what i was looking for.

Btw doesn't 2C-P last for 12 hours+(dunno if that would be the best one for a first timer). Unless your just recommending it in general


Active Member
2c-e is generally excepted by a lot to have the best visuals i have seen by many reports. but hand down 2c fucking B is the best, i know you didnt list but still.


Active Member
Thanks money this is exactly what i was looking for.

Btw doesn't 2C-P last for 12 hours+(dunno if that would be the best one for a first timer). Unless your just recommending it in general
yes when i take 2cp it lasts anywere from 8-14 hours its probably my favorite of the 2c's though. 2ce would be next then 2ci i havent done any of the other 2cs yet

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
skip the 2c-x's and go straight to the 25x-nbomes they are made from the 2c-x's. the 25c-nbome is the best so far out the 3 i have researched, that being 25i,c,d. the 25c 500ug is about the perfect dose. very little stim or body load very little mindfuck and oev's that rank right up there with lucy. once you try the nbome's youll never look at a 2c-x again.
Well after reading everything in this thread and on other sites I'm thinking I'm gonna get either 2C-I or 2C-E for a first time with the 2C's.
Thanks everyone.


Active Member
I say stick to other things, I got tired of the 2c body load. 2ce/p have great visuals, e also provides the mental stimulation where as p does not, but I would prefer not to deal with the whole muscle aching/nausea thing. It is pretty much required that you hit up Ms. J to enjoy the trip without having to concentrate on the body load. Maybe that is just me though.