Best and Worst noob mistakes?

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
To worried about ph in soil, and adding vinegar, to lower ph water, and fuck!Flushing with 3 gallons of water, to one gallon soil.--I used 4 gallon pots, had 5 plants too :wall:!Over nute was my big one


Well-Known Member
Going back to the very first attempt at growing indoors...
13 years old and fixed an incandescent bulb through the top of a cardboard box... put a shwagg seed in a pot of soil from outside... stashed the "grow box" under the stairs leading to the basement...then forgot about the box... two weeks later my mother finds the box.

An ass whooping ensues.


Well-Known Member
not checking ph.... that and using several different waters.
This was years ago, mind you. But still a noob mistake


Active Member
This is easy.. to many nuts by far, just read here any day any time,, nuts kill more plants then Mites bud rot and ever watering put together.. And if they don't kill them they at least stunt them.. They don't under stand even burning the tips of plants slows down growth,,,


Well-Known Member
Too much talking. Too many people knew which led to my "retirement". Now I just know a guy to get really good weed from ;-)


Active Member
Overwatering. The more I watered, the more they drooped, the more I'd water. It was a vicouse cycle. The second was bringing a plant from outdoors indoors. That was my first battle with spider mites
and I lost it bad. I still remember the webs in my nightmares.


Active Member
Trying to hedge my chances by mixing media. So I had an ebb-and-flow tray and also bubble buckets. The ebb-and-flow results were awesome, the buckets not so great.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Not reading enough before starting... Do your research first then when you're ready start growing. I was super anxiouos to start and was worried about getting my seeds before how to make this shit happen. As everyday passed I ran into another issue and then had to research. Do all your reading/research FIRST so you know what problems to expect and how to avoid them... being proactive and not reactive.


Active Member
Overwatering. The more I watered, the more they drooped, the more I'd water. It was a vicouse cycle. The second was bringing a plant from outdoors indoors. That was my first battle with spider mites
and I lost it bad. I still remember the webs in my nightmares.
Just remembered the first plant I ever grew. Now Im an OG (old grower) so when I grew this plant the internet wasn't born yet, there were no grow books in the library and even a copy
of high times was hard to come by.But I grew a beauty, in the city, on my 3rd floor balcony. she grew fats and tall and before I knew it has small round clusters of buds all over it. I was
one happy camper. Then one day to my surprise those bud clusters opened and spread yellow dust everywhere. What a buzz kill.


Active Member
Not reading enough before starting... Do your research first then when you're ready start growing. I was super anxiouos to start and was worried about getting my seeds before how to make this shit happen. As everyday passed I ran into another issue and then had to research. Do all your reading/research FIRST so you know what problems to expect and how to avoid them... being proactive and not reactive.
I agree but don't you think sometimes people tend to over think the whole process. I truly believe most problems are brought on by people fuckin with there plants too much.


Well-Known Member
not using descent soil was my biggest mistake
then having it in my backyard so smelly that someone poured gasoline all over it also
2nd was doing a grow with reggy seeds i ended up gettin bugs on a few of them and they spread to my dank plants...
also leaving lid on jars to long during dry phase so i got moldy bud off a few
not having good enough air circulation\
heatmats during germ roasted 25 seeds i figure
dropping a seeD steppin on it
goin in grow room drunk squashed a plant OH
OH OH I bought a cheap reflector and forgot to take off prtective film i thought it my powerfull 100watter just burning the reflector cuz it was cheap then i noticed the film that wasnt fun....
also I opened up a skylight roof window cuz the closet room was too hot and i think thats how i got whiteflys
then using technaflora shit was weak
oh 3month+vegging periods
OK i stuck a male through the cieling fan once LOLOLOL ferted a bunch of plants
bought 1mil reflective poly
biggest nonmistake
not doing a full experimental grow with quality genetis
i once had seedlings under a mh 7ft away best way to have seedlings grow fast no shit they went cray
lol also i had a plant out in back that was covered with bugs it was reggies so i pissed on it n stuff and someone stole it and i take a lil joy knowibng they smoked my piss


Well-Known Member
oh and then not germing them straight from cubes soakin in watter was terrible iddea

so was wet paper towel behind the tv


Well-Known Member
OH YEAH my first plant ever i put a bag seed in a pot by the window id turn on a green floodlight at night for it LOL thing grew to a might golfball sized orb


Active Member
not using descent soil was my biggest mistake
then having it in my backyard so smelly that someone poured gasoline all over it also
2nd was doing a grow with reggy seeds i ended up gettin bugs on a few of them and they spread to my dank plants...
also leaving lid on jars to long during dry phase so i got moldy bud off a few
not having good enough air circulation\
heatmats during germ roasted 25 seeds i figure
dropping a seeD steppin on it
goin in grow room drunk squashed a plant OH
OH OH I bought a cheap reflector and forgot to take off prtective film i thought it my powerfull 100watter just burning the reflector cuz it was cheap then i noticed the film that wasnt fun....
also I opened up a skylight roof window cuz the closet room was too hot and i think thats how i got whiteflys
then using technaflora shit was weak
oh 3month+vegging periods
OK i stuck a male through the cieling fan once LOLOLOL ferted a bunch of plants
bought 1mil reflective poly
biggest nonmistake
not doing a full experimental grow with quality genetis
i once had seedlings under a mh 7ft away best way to have seedlings grow fast no shit they went cray
lol also i had a plant out in back that was covered with bugs it was reggies so i pissed on it n stuff and someone stole it and i take a lil joy knowibng they smoked my piss
Dude, LMAO!!! You crack me up!


Well-Known Member
I just hope my mistakes serve as a bad example n keep someone else from making them. the number 1 all growers make is not buying roots organic soil first

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Overwatering. The more I watered, the more they drooped, the more I'd water. It was a vicouse cycle. The second was bringing a plant from outdoors indoors. That was my first battle with spider mites
and I lost it bad. I still remember the webs in my nightmares.
that's funny!