Best medium for starting seeds in Aeroponics?


Hey guys,

I tried posting this is the hydro/aero forum but no one seems to have an answer.

The title says it all really. I have a 20 pot X-Stream Aeroponic cloner that I'd like to germinate some seeds in, it comes with cloning collars that are about 1/2 inch thick, which obviously won't get the seeds wet or support them for the first week.

What is the best medium for germination? Rockwool? Compost Plugs?

Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
I always used rockwell in aero, always clones though, im sre once germinated it will grow with ease.


Well-Known Member
Nice one.

What should my cycle timer be on for my atomiser/mist maker?
Well i used to build the systems in 6'' pvc pipes for sog. I used to have a water pump with a half inch pvc piping with misters at every plant spot always on.
More of a nftish aero system, couldnt tell you on your system tbh.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool is one of the best, easiest and most trusted mediums for starting seeds in any growing system.