Best Reflective Material


Well-Known Member
Hi i currently got a lil grow in my closet that is painted white. Now i want to put something more reflective in there. Whats the best, cheap material that i can purchase at regular stores? Ive been lookin for mylar but my grow shop says online that its like 50 bucks for a 50in by 100in. So is there anything else you can use, oh and im told emergency blankets are useless.


Well-Known Member
There are rolls of reflective insulation sold in different sizes and are located in the insulation aisles of hardware stores.

Your flat white closet paint is fine. Why are you wanting to spend $$ when what you got is good?


Well-Known Member
A smooth reflector is best for CFL bulbs. Try sheet aluminum. It holds its shape and if you find a polished sheet, it's around 85-95% reflective.

Your even cheaper option is taking any kind of general purpose glue, like Elmer's, or stick glue... cover a piece of cardboard or wood or plastic with glue(flat and thin but rigid is probably best) and then glue the dull side to the surface. If you have a really flat, smooth surface, take the aluminum foil and use a soft clothe and polish the surface first on that, then carefully put it on the glue-covered surface to retain as much smoothness as possible. Try not to get glue onto the shiny side of the foil(I've used an Ace Bandage, you can roll back any part that gets glue on it and keep going!). Start from the middle and use the clothe or whatever to get it as crinkle-free as possible. Your fingers can leave smears from oil/dirt and isn't nearly as even. Not only does it reflect great but it nearly absolutely blocks all light(especially the visible kind). Get foil tape to close any cracks. Or just put foil and tape it on with duct tape, or heck, glue it!

As for *best*? Probably silver. Over 99% across most of the spectrum when polished. Gold is *slightly* even better(but the price, ouch!). Then there's mylar which is up to 98%. People tend to distort *white paint* numbers. Unless you're powder-coating, you'll see max of 70-80%. Other (expensive) additives can increase this.

I've seen titanium dioxide/magnesium fluoride charts that claim over slightly over 100% reflection, due to the photo-active materials 'glowing'. Not sure if it means much for the PAR spectrum. Lumens alone aren't really a great indicator of how well a plant will grow under a bulb. PAR is photosynthetic active radiation. Classically defined as light waves between 400nm to 700nm. With the peaks being on the ends of this range. HPS is typically most intense around 570nm.

CFLs can generate nearly perfect black bodies, or CRI which is how closely a bulb matches sun light(as far as colors of objects are concerned). CRI isn't very important either. But it's not bad to have(fuller spectrum). GE Daylight bulbs seem very well suited to plant life. They spike around 400nm - 450nm and 650nm(great for plants). And otherwise have a smooth black body. CFL bulb manufacturers matter. They use expensive phosphors to tone light and generic brands might not fair as well.

What's most important is high bulb PAR rating and quality reflectors. A mirror-finished/polished aluminum sheet will be better than foil, and getting an Al alloy reflector would be even better. Mylar would be even better if you can find it cheap. With gold/silver being the best... if price is not an issue.

Proper reflectors can increase yields up to 30-40%. Don't mess with foil unless you don't have a better option. If you can get polished sheet aluminum good, 'professionally' cut for you, even better. Mylar.. great, might cost more.

The thing about aluminum vs white paint is that aluminum preserves the light spectrum much better than paint which cuts off intensity and is irregular. You would have to get a specialty paint and airbrush very smoothly to get near to aluminum. This is sometimes seen in reflectors. I've always heard no paint is better as far as most reflectors/bulbs. Paint causes more diffusion. This might be better for high watt HID. CFL's? No.


Well-Known Member
The cheapest and best shit you can get is an emergency blanket from any local store in the camping section. Walmart sells them for $1.98 shit is just like mylar.

Also 1 blanket should be good for your small grow.


Active Member
Emergency blankets are good..... and shiny xmas paper... its all the same stuff.

And i WOULD NOT recommend tin foil, it conducts electricity, causes hotspots, is hard to get flat, and is nowhere near as good as shiny xmas paper.

Hope this helped m8 :)


Well-Known Member
Emergency blankets are good..... and shiny xmas paper... its all the same stuff.

And i WOULD NOT recommend tin foil, it conducts electricity, causes hotspots, is hard to get flat, and is nowhere near as good as shiny xmas paper.

Hope this helped m8 :)
if your using cfls tinfoil should not be a proble, it is a major problem when it comes to HID.


Active Member
I suppose.... but it terms of pure reflect-ability its still no match for mylar or polywrap (shiny wrapping paper)


I have found the perfect reflective material and it is really cheap, go to your local Dollar Tree and look for the silver tissue paper that you use to stuff gift bags with. You will find that it is a little thinner than mylar but it is the perfect solution to your reflective problem and you get 4 sheets in each pack and they measure 18X30 inches. only one dollar per pack.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i prefer to line my room with the bums of fine ladies glistening in baby oil. 3 times more effective at bouncing light than panda film and still cheaper than a roll of diamond mylar!!!
good thread. Iv thought about tin foil but everyone on here says its shit? Why is that? im going to a craft shop today i will let you guys know what i find.

Brick Top

New Member
The cheapest and best shit you can get is an emergency blanket from any local store in the camping section. Walmart sells them for $1.98 shit is just like mylar.

Also 1 blanket should be good for your small grow.
They are junk, they are not just like Mylar. That is a common misconception.

Brick Top

New Member
If flat white paint is not good enough for you, which it should be, buy some titanium white. That is more reflective and is used for some reflective hoods.

Brick Top

New Member
Mylar balloons from dollar store. Buy them with out the helium. It's cheaper
He has flat white paint now and wants something better so why would he go ghetto grow and use those? There would be a bunch of seams and it would be difficult to get them to lay flat. He'd be better off sticking with his flat white paint.


Tin foil can cause a fire and many other electrical problems in a grow room. Expecialy since you have lights and fans all going. 1 loose wire or socket and you will find out fast why tin foil is not a good choice.

Windsheild protectors that keep the sun out of your car are good.


Brick Top

New Member
What he already has is good but he wants to upgrade but he is not willing to pay for what would be better. He should stick with what he has.

If he wants to feel he has something better but doesn't want to pay much for it he should pick:
White/Black plastic (also known as panda plastic or "poly"):

"Poly" is useful if you are setting up a temporary grow room or don’t want to damage the walls. Poly is easily cleaned. The purpose of the black side is to not allow any light to pass through the plastic, which ensures your dark cycle remains dark. The white side is 75-90% reflective.

If he picks the thicker mm one it will be more durable and last longer and will be easier to clean .. not as easy as washing a painted wall, but far easier than things like Mylar and Foylon and C-3 Anti-Detection film and ... ick ... aluminum foil.


Well-Known Member
A List of Reflective Materials and their Reflectivity.

Materials Reflectivity

Foylon ..................................................... 95%
Mylar ....................................................... 92-97%
Elastomere (roofing)Paint ............................. 90%
White/Black Plastic (poly).............................. 75-90%
Polystyrene Foam Sheeting (styrofoam)............ 75-85%
Flat White Paint .......................................... 75-85%
Emergency Blanket ...................................... 70%
Semi-Gloss White Paint ............................... 55-60%
Aluminum Foil ........................................... 35-55%

More Details and Explanations can be found online, here is a link to my