Best soil mixes for large roots?


Active Member
Ive been growing for a year and using straight FFOF and FFHF. i get decent yields and potency but i notice my roots after i harvest are spider web like. i wanted to get opinions on what people use as mixes, additives, clay pellets? sand? i also hear if you mix properly you can have an organic medium that feeds your plant for 4-6 months without nutes needed? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Subcool's super soil recipe is supposed to take you from seed to harvest. I'm not sure what other kind of roots there are besides the web kind. Usually people add mycorrhizae to their roots to create a fuzzy layer around their roots that help nutrient uptake.


Well-Known Member
Web type roots are normal. If you can pull your whole root mass out with all of your medium and it is hard to break up thats good roots. If you are suffering poor yields, yet getting good root mass that is not root bound, your problem is elsewhere. "Large" (diameter) roots only happen near the plant and surface.
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