Best soil to use


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what the best soil from homedepot or lowes to use when you grow?
Might as well get miracle grow if that's your only option, look for a local nursery and get some black gold, light warrior, ocean forest, coco, or something...


Well-Known Member
Home Depot, 4.50 per 1.5 cubic foot bag...Kellogg's Patio Plus...It's good stuff, just need to be cut with perlite....It's got bat guano, worm castings, kelp meal...mostly composted forest products, some peat and composted manure...pretty good stuff. Just needs extra perlite and good drainage, but it's good stuff, cheap, and widely available at HD.

By no means is this the "best" soil out there, but if you're stuck with home depot, or you're just lazy or broke, it's a good alternative. All that being said, I use it and couldn't be happier...Just needs perlite and it's good to go!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, learn to have excessive amounts of patience...For the most part growing is a waiting game, stressing and fiddling with your plants 462 times a day can actually hurt the situation believe it or not! Not to say you shouldn't check your plants regularly, but don't sweat the small stuff and remember that MJ is pretty resiliant. It'll take time to become a grower who's ready for every bad growing scenario thrown at them, and it all starts with lots of practice and your first grow...Welcome to the life, buddy, you'll see soon that growing can become pretty addictive.
Haha thx bro growin reminds me of takin care of a chameleon with havin to deal with there stress, temp, humidity, lights on/off for certain hours so in a way chameleons are a livin version of mj :p, but anyways thanks for the welcoming and I wish u wit your future growing luck