Best temps for drying buds


Well-Known Member
What temps do your room have to be? Where I'm thinking of drying in a herb dryer for best for high areas but the farinheit is around 79% f and humidity 65% I'm worked burn the THC and ternes and tepenoids need help

Rastafari InI

Active Member
It takes longer and is for quality rather than speed but for max taste as low as you can get it without freezing, some terpenoids will evaporate at very low temperatures, as seen if you leave some buds out at room temperature for awhile, additionally NOT too low of a humidity which again will take longer but if you look for the best quality wise this is the way, as you want the bud to dry evenly inside to out. so you don't get dry leaves or crispy/dry outside of the bud before the middle where its moist and doesn't snap in the middle, so people 'over-dry' it to get the whole inside of the flowers dry but the outside is completely crisp by that point, if you have too low of a humidity it wicks the moisture out the bud and you get this horrible effect.