Best way to hang lights


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I wanted to know whats the best way to hang a 400w HPS. This thing is pretty heavy and I'm afraid to strap it to my ceiling and it comes falling to the ground. I also need a good, efficient way of moving the light up as the plants get bigger. How do most of you all hang your lights in your grow op?


Well-Known Member
Use screw hooks in the ceiling and then hang the lights with some rope or chain. It is not that hard to figure it out.


Well-Known Member
I live in an apartment and i have that horrible popcorn ceiling. My friends bringing over his stud finder so we can find the wood above so it'll be more sturdy. Thanks for all your feedback! I know it was a dumb question I just didn't want to break this sunsytem.


Well-Known Member
It's important to find a stud. Then get some durable screw hooks and some S hooks and plenty of chain. Just make sure when you put your screw hooks in that you really get them embedded in the wood.



Well-Known Member
here are some pics of how i hang my very heavy light. note that i have a chain looped around the screw to prevent the lights from completely crashing if the clip hook breaks or i slip when changing the distance....



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I bought some porch chair chains and the ceiling hooks that go along with it. Its kind of like yours email but instead of the lanyard on that its just an S hook. I like your setup, I think I might return this and do it like that. Thanks for alll your help, it should be up and running by monday and the plants should be in flowering on tuesday. Check out the journal for more info.