Best way to hide your stash


Active Member
Alright, one of my buddys invented this new way to stash pot so i just had to post it. It only works for people who have dreadlocks though. What you do is kind of make some space in the middle of one of the locks and shove your stash in there. He said that he can fit about an eighth in just one lock thats in the back behind the others.

Now how sweet is that??


Active Member
if i have to take weed anywhere my boyfriend makes me stash it in my cleavage...better that than his asscrack right?


I would never smoke weed hidden in someone's dread... are we forgetting it's like... NEVER washed? Lmao. It would smell like dirty oily dog weed hahahaha.


Active Member
noo dude people who have dreadlocks either know how to take care of there hair really well or there just filthy. and i mean in a bag not just straight bud in someones hair. and my point of this thread was like hiding it if your being searched ok, not just like carry it around in your hair


Well-Known Member
noo dude people who have dreadlocks either know how to take care of there hair really well or there just filthy. and i mean in a bag not just straight bud in someones hair. and my point of this thread was like hiding it if your being searched ok, not just like carry it around in your hair
so if a cop randomly says hey come here, ur gonna stuff it in ur hair in front of him or if its a random search. or if the dogs cum u think they wont find it


Well-Known Member
I always keep i herb in i tam.,.,rasta thing been doing it since b4 time.,dont need to part i-locks or anything tho just set the sack up there my locks are thick as wo0l nothings moving up there.,.,lol.,.zioni 007.jpg


Active Member
wow ok. getting called to the office if your in school. my school has public football games where everyone lights up and cops randomly search people's pockets. and getting things into to prison, im not saying all prisons but there are some who barley search at all. and placements for kids. noone will think of in your hair. yea and "respect your elders" and all im cool with that dudethis site is sweet i think i should, but im just saying that dreadlocksss have a dirty stereotype


Well-Known Member
Ini wash my hair 2-3x a week.,.,.notdirty.,.,and mine are natrural/natty dreads i let them form themselves i havent combed my hair in years,.,lol.,.that pic is me in vegas(venitain)im at a year now growing i-locks.,all the time in the world left to grow my crown.,.,lovely


Active Member
yea man im thinking about starting dreads. i dont care if im white, i accualy think the rastafari religion makes a lot of sense.


Well-Known Member
yea man im thinking about starting dreads. I dont care if im white, i accualy think the rastafari religion makes a lot of sense.
im not here to preach,i just thought i would share my insight,and overstanding of this matter .,.,rastafari is a livity.,.a way of life,.,it has alot more to it then growing locks.,.,the locks are imans identity.,.the way we live our lives is the same way christains are supposed to live .,but nowadays in church deals with alot of vanity/insanity.,.,vanity is the desruction of ones soul..,.,.,we base our livity on the bible for rastafari comes thru tha ro0t of king david.,.,.,theres alot to learn b4 u dread up.,.,rastafari is a african thing.,.,not saying there is a skin color to this liveity because god is all man and woman and child.,.,but this nya bhingi and bobo shanti livity is very serious.,.,and is no jester.,.,but i bless the i for forward rightousness.,.,clean hands and a pure heart,they shall see jah.,.,read up on sadhu's of india,and hiale salassie