best way to quick dry for sampling


I found the best way to quick dry, this method leaves most of the tri's intact and it tasts better too. Ovens and toasters seem to get too hot for this...

drum roll please

A simple 4 cup coffee maker!!!!!! the warmer on the bottom heats gradually enough to quick dry fresh clippings in 5-15 minutes depending on preference. I just throw the bud I want to dry in the glass coffee pot, then trurn of the coffee maker (make sure there's no water in it, or you will quick wet in stead of quick dry.... Don't knock it before you try it!!!!


Active Member
well thats a good idea and all but if you want a sample the best idea would be to just be patient and let it dry


Active Member
I found the best way to quick dry, this method leaves most of the tri's intact and it tasts better too. Ovens and toasters seem to get too hot for this...

drum roll please

A simple 4 cup coffee maker!!!!!! the warmer on the bottom heats gradually enough to quick dry fresh clippings in 5-15 minutes depending on preference. I just throw the bud I want to dry in the glass coffee pot, then trurn of the coffee maker (make sure there's no water in it, or you will quick wet in stead of quick dry.... Don't knock it before you try it!!!!

Lol this is a good way that I think only a stoner would think of. Good looking out though.


Active Member
Best way I found to quick dry and test is to put a bud in an envelope and put on top of my reflector or balast. It won't cook and it does a good job. The paper in the envelope helps wick off moisture too.

Stay Frosty.