Best way to sex a seedling ?


Well-Known Member
Hi YES i read the FAQ and it only had 1 method that seemed old to me.putting a bag over a branch making it go 12/12 . just hard with times as well.
I have my seedling sprouted and showing leaves, What is the best and fastest and safest way to determin sex ??
ive heard to grow it 3 weeks take a clone off each and label then put on 12/12 for 2 weeks to get the sex , man that seems like a lot of time for this.
the other one was when the roots are at a good level throw it strait to flower ones it showes sex put it back to veg , but thats gotta stress it bad ay?
so yeah please any one with any better faster crazzier ways PLEASE let me know.


Well-Known Member
What are your objectives with this plant? When do you want to flower it, not just determine sex?


Well-Known Member
yea id pre flower it wouldent even worry about stress all u wants a female at this stage then u can hav as many clones from it as u want a week if even it will take

a friend of mines made his own white widow x rhino seeds hes poped about 14-17 an he hasent had 1 male yet he tells me hes does them 18/6 an when the lghts r of he puts the lght back on 4 1 hour seems 2 b workin 4 him


Well-Known Member
i will add he is not the brightest botten in the box but thats what he does an thats his results


Well-Known Member
thanx mark

smokerE mate i want to try and veg for 3 weeks and grow the biach for some primo el smoko , but i supose i could clone it and have her as a mommy if im lucky, what would you do in my shoes matey


Well-Known Member
Dude definitly clone her, when you put a plant into flower to see it's sex then put it back into veg it has to recover for a week so you get barely any growth, with clones your plant just keeps on going.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about this. I want to take clones from my BB's that are a month old but I have to wait for the branches to develop. I was thinking about taking clones once I start flowering as soon as I find the fems., then just let them keep flowering. I was wondering if my clones once cut from the budding plant will still be good to veg. anyone?


Well-Known Member
yeah jonny . as long as you go back to 18/6 it will take a week or so and revert back to veg status.
then you have a good mom to clone all your future grows. thank the lord for cloning lmao


Well-Known Member
Excellent advice to ID sex. To CONTROL or CHANGE sex (Yes, it is possible), it is VERY complicated. You must control elements on a PPM basis. If you have the equipment, and the patience, let me know. Otherwise, ID as everyone said, and eventually you'll have a nice mother...