Best ways to germinate seeds? & Strain Review

I have had success with the paper towel method before but now I hear it is not preferred... What is the best way to germ the seeds and then transfer them into soil? Attitude seed bank hooked it up big time! I got Iced grapefruit, Mohan Ram, Sweet afgan delicious SAD, Critical +, Power Kush, and Dinafem Diesel. Has anyone grown any of these strains? Let me know how it went


Well-Known Member
Actually I prefer the paper towel method.
I usually fold 2-3 paper towels into a square, put it in a bowl pour quarter cup of water in it then top it off with two more paper towels folded twice. If the paper towels are dry then just spray it down with a mister until it completely wet.

Diddn't order from attitude, haven't heard too many good things lately.


Well-Known Member
Never grew those strains. As for germinating-Lately i dont really bother to germinate the seeds first, they come up in around the same amount of time and it requires less handling of the seed and all that. also im a bit lazy. lol. However, I can certainly tell you the best way to do so in my and alot of other peoples opinion. You are going to need a cup with water and a drop of peroxide(it seemed to help when i used it, but it is optional) and a warm and dark spot. Take the seeds and put them in the water, make sure their are no air bubbles under the seeds. put in dark spot. wait 8-12 hrs, see how many have popped, remove any that have and put in soil. If a seed is still floating check that their are no air bubbles under it making it float. wait 8-12 hrs. if after 24 hrs in the water a seed hasnt sunk and sprouted its not going to imo, some people like to wait 36 hrs to be safe though.


Active Member
I used jiffy peat pellets. Got 'em at walmart. Can't go wrong.. soak em real good in water until they get big and then pop the seed right under a thin layer of peat. Just make sure you sprinkle them with some water once a day because they do tend to dry out slightly quickly. Keep a dome over it to keep the humidity on the pellets.

I saw sprouts in 2 days, then transplanted the pellet right into the soil.


Active Member
here is my .02 and just to let you know to date this technique as gotten me about 99% germination rate.

1. Fill party cup 1/3 full of water
2. drop seeds into water
3. wait 12 hours stir water/seeds (you want seeds to sink)
4. 6-8 hours later stir up the water again to make sure all seeds sink
5. leaves seeds in water till they crack open (usually within 24-36 hours of being put in water)
6. take seeds wrap in wet paper towels (wet not flooded) then place them in a tupperware, or some seal able container and place in dark warm place.
7. Once tap root is roughly 1/4" long place seeds in rockwool (soak rockwool in water prior to use) and place them in humidity dome under 24/0 light
8 . Within 72 hours most all seedlings will have sprouted out of rockwool... within 7 days normally first set of real leaves are formed and plant in medium and get them into veg.


Well-Known Member
I have had success with the paper towel method before but now I hear it is not preferred... What is the best way to germ the seeds and then transfer them into soil? Attitude seed bank hooked it up big time! I got Iced grapefruit, Mohan Ram, Sweet afgan delicious SAD, Critical +, Power Kush, and Dinafem Diesel. Has anyone grown any of these strains? Let me know how it went
I'm not sure why you think the paper towel method is not preferred, but it works. I follow the same method as reverof and so far I have a 100% germination rate. Good luck.