beyond 20 mic bubble bag


Well-Known Member
so this is what i got fro the water after running my out door trim though my bags.
my smallest bag is a 20
this was run though a coffee filter.

its much darker than my 20 or even my 74 (which is very blond)

so is this good to smoke, or is it garbage. looks pretty good to me. smells good and sticks together really good.



Well-Known Member
lol wow, how big is that cube? didn't know you could get anything beyond 25 I'll have to try that sometime.


Well-Known Member
sorry, I have little experience with hash. How big is a gram? I mean that cube looks dice sized lol.
Most only run their bags 1 time I think? I guess 2nd / 3rd can be used for cooking or does it still have the same quality?

You sure your bag isn't just stretched/due for replacement? What brand?


Active Member
With my hash making experience, the bags around 20 to 30 micron pick up to much other stuff. With my 25 bag, it is not nearly as good as the others. It still gets you pretty blazed so def. keep it and enjoy. As you can see there is a good amount of veg. matter in your lil cube. A tip on keeping the veg. out is to not grind up the weed to much. The more powdery it is, the greater the chance of the filters picking up the veg.


Well-Known Member
I'm a dry hash maker not wet. But the choice size in dry is between 125 & 60 micron. So below the 75 you are looking at veg, dust, & broken trichrome heads. I'm sure there is still a buzz in that cube, but I take everything under 60 mics and use it for tincture. It sorts out the garbage from the tric's

Or as mentioned above it could make some good munchies.