bho vacuum purge help

Bought the 3 cfm 25 micron us general pump from harbor freight. I seem to be only getting 23 hg when I try to pull. Do I need a better pump? If so, where did you get yours and what kind.


Well-Known Member
Yeah brother, just make sure your chamber has no leaks.

Turn pump on. Pull vac. Hold vac. Overnight and verify no movement on your gauge, you can make this easier to see by using a sharpie to mark the gauge at full vac to compare.

About 25,26 is best I've been able to get myself.

And, we are actually still pulling the same force of vacuum, the gauge deceives us.

So, purge times are still subjective to the desired consistency.

Sorry, in other words..

No need to adjust


Well-Known Member
At a certain degree, the pump is still degassing in terms of removing the solvent.

You'll want to pull and release several times, until the oleoresin (oil) stabilizes.

In other words, the oil no longer, is bubbling or reacting of any kind.

At this point, one could have a stable shatter, or hold the vac to dehydrate the oil (sorta)

Just never ever exceed 120° F the temp of the oil itself.

Feel free to ask whatever, I'm here to help.

Whoops..again..haha, I'm kinda baked.

Yes, it's still degassing, but not nearly as much, you should have already pumped and released several times prior.


Active Member
I had a 2 stage 6 cfm rebuilt job from rocky mtns cfms. It didn't pull over or maybe since its negative under 25/26 like the other guy said he gets.


Well-Known Member
As far as pumps go, you can convert an old compressor into a vac pump quite easily. I would suggest instead of trying to find a 1/3 hp vaccum you look for a big ass compressor. Will be much cheaper and
same effectiveness in the long run.


Well-Known Member
I've consistently pulled to-23 hg with a Mity-Vac and a mason jar.

Let me just say...

Altitude and atmospheric pressure alteration (vac and chamber)
Is fucking

Edit: My electric pump,2 stage 3cfm pump is broken, so I needs a new one, this sounds interesting for sure


Well-Known Member
What information do you need dabs? Basically all compressors have an inlet that it uses to suck in air, you just have to reinforce this port and route air through it while providing a T to the motor so It also gets air so it doesn't start burn itself into oblivion. It "sounds" hard but its actually really easy man. Do we need to have a sirtiva shop day?! Best I can do is make a video if I ever find a compressor. AirCon comes first.