Biddys Girl


New Member
A mate of mine has just brought these seeds back from the dam. They were free at the cannabis fair. We got 5 la confidential x mystery haze. At first i thought mystery haze might actually be a strain but after doing some checking it turns out it really is a mystery. What's it matter though, all the hazes are good right? America's pot of choice.

The one that's got me though is we also got 5 biddys sister. I can't find anything about this strain at all. The closest thing I can find is the biddy early from magus genetics. Anyone know any more about this strain, or indeed the biddy early?

Biddys SISTER, not girl. Sorry about that. So, anyone know anything about biddys sister?


New Member
I use for medicinal purposes. Just because it's a sativa doesn't mean I won't grow it. I'm growing grapefruit at the moment.

So victor, tell me a little more about the strain. If you don't mind of course.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of it -just jerking your chain. I understand what you were trying to say MED WTF, but a lot of the work that has been done towards legalization has been by the Medical users.


New Member
Yes, but for the med' users only. I agree that they have done all the fighting but they do have a weapon. They need it for their illnesses. What can I say? I like to get stoned.

This should be enough of a reason, but it wouldn't hold too well with the media.

If the truth be told I do use for medicinal reasons, I've just never been diagnosed by a doctor. I don't even have a doctor, never needed one. It's free in my country too, we have the national health service, but I still don't need a doctor. All a doctor can do is tell me what I already know. I never take pain killers or medicine of any kind. They are really harmful to your kidneys, liver, heart etc. I only have one medicine, and I take it every day, all day. It keeps me sane in an insane world. The medicine of course is cannabis.


Well-Known Member
We have a medical MJ bill making its way through our state legislature right now. The Democrate party endorsed it at thier state caucus, and it should pass this year. I still believe that legalization is still the only right way to get'r'don.