Big Bang(GH), G13 Hawaiin x Butter scotch, Nothern Berry


Active Member
I decided that I want to grow, living right near canada i went up to niagara falls and got me some seeds!
Basically money is not a problem, and im using soil, just cause better taste and hydro is from what i hear a part time job.



Active Member
Forgot to post pics n shit, i really would like to know everyones opinion.I am very proud of my work. first grow too. I have them in Pro mix medium with quite a bit of worm castings and perlite.
These pics are 2 days old and i gave them voodoo juice with a 1/4 cup of pure cane sugar that day.
They normally get sensi grow A+B
The middle bigger ones are 3 weeks, smaller ones are almost 2 in these pics.

New pics = few days
New 5-8x 10 room = One week



Well-Known Member
Hey Fuzzy, your plants look great and that setup you have is pretty sweet. I do have one reccomendation that might work, you could consider moving the T5's to each side, like move each set of 2 close together and then put the bigger light closer to the plants, right in the middle. Check if it works if you can. If not, it still looks like a great setup. Subscribed :D


Active Member
hey man thanks!!
The idea sounds good, ill do it when i get out of work.
Its only a 50 watt t5, and those long ones each are 50 watts.
ill post pics tomorrow!


Active Member
Yesterday i transplanted all of the back ones into bigger pots ( 300s to 600s.) Re alligned the lights since i got a new one.
tomorrow they get voodoo juice again.
i cant wait to move these into the other room.

please let me know what you all think!




Well-Known Member
Yesterday i transplanted all of the back ones into bigger pots ( 300s to 600s.) Re alligned the lights since i got a new one.
tomorrow they get voodoo juice again.
i cant wait to move these into the other room.

please let me know what you all think!

Do you plan on getting a hps light or do you already have one? Also the plants are all looking good. you must have a good day time job because your getting all the AV nutrients which cost a lot of loot. Which is a good thing because when you put int he extra money you get an extra big yield.:weed::weed: Everything is looking good so far and good job on posting pics on the time we appreciate it. good luck and smoke fat.bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Thanks man! really appreciate it.
Naw i dont got one, but im getting either a 1000 watter or a 600 watter with a growrail in my new room. I want to get a really good lighting system. After all that seems like the number one investment to me.
And all that I am using is worm castings, Sensi grow A+B, and Voodoo Juice.
Not too much money, like 100 bucks i think.
For flowering though im going with humboldt.
Ive heard allot of good things about it from my buddies at the hydroponics store.

Anyone got any experience with Humboldt or Liquid light by dutch masters?



Well-Known Member
Thanks man! really appreciate it.
Naw i dont got one, but im getting either a 1000 watter or a 600 watter with a growrail in my new room. I want to get a really good lighting system. After all that seems like the number one investment to me.
And all that I am using is worm castings, Sensi grow A+B, and Voodoo Juice.
Not too much money, like 100 bucks i think.
For flowering though im going with humboldt.
Ive heard allot of good things about it from my buddies at the hydroponics store.

Hey Fuzzy!! those plants are looking mad healthy!!! And your light setup looks clean.

If you really want a great lighting system I can vouch for an 1000 watter. The light is incredible and I don't think I coudold go any lower, I feel like if I had gone with a 600 i would have regretted not paying the extra cash for the 1000. Also the 1000w hps only uses electricity 12 hours/day obviously so it's not nearly as bad as using a 1000w mh in veg (I tried it with my digital ballast that runs both mh and hps and now have switched veg to florescents, like you ;), for now. )

Also, even if you do choose humboldt nutes for flower, I use AN Big Bud on my plants combined with molasses (and also AN 3 part grow program) and it works wonders!!! So if you can afford Big Bud it is definitely worth it. My plants are really packing on the buds with it and it is only my first grow.

Once agian looking good and message me when you have new pics and I'll check them out!!!



Well-Known Member
Nice grow bro, but if you want a much bigger yield I would definitly invest into a hps for flowering. Plants look really healthy, and cool little setup you got going man...


Active Member
Nice grow bro, but if you want a much bigger yield I would definitly invest into a hps for flowering. Plants look really healthy, and cool little setup you got going man...
Thanks !! really appreciate it.
yeah of course im going hps, no doubt. I actually saw this thing at my local hydro store called the " growzilla" its a hood that you can put two 1000 watters in, so the guy there was telling me that if i do 1000 watts of hps and 1000 of mh taht ill get leaves the size of my face. Anyone ever hear of it?


Active Member
hello everyone,
yeah so i havent posted in a long time, sorry.
Heres some updated pics, new room, added a lil 250w hps for the last 2 weeks of veg. smaller plants are on side. i dont think im gonna flower them for a while.
When i flower i will be using two 1000w hps in a growzilla.
Please let me know what you all think




Well-Known Member
two 1000w HPS? awesome :D they are looking great man.. I'm glad you've decided to veg as long as you can.. more veg = greater yield.. once again looking awesome :D


Well-Known Member
two 1000w HPS? awesome :D they are looking great man.. I'm glad you've decided to veg as long as you can.. more veg = greater yield.. once again looking awesome :D

thats not true... I have compared both results together... 1000W Big Bang - Veg'd for enough time..... only got 500 gramms and a little over.... with about 12 gramms of hash ...


I grew under a 600W lights with adjust a Wing reflector and i got over 740 Gramms !!!!!!!


Now i havnt made my point valid yet :

I cut 40 clones, and veg'd for about 1 week..... i was sure that the clones had about 4 internodes.... after that i put em on 12/12..

and well... i got more out of a 600w than 1000W !

wich sucks......... but i guess you got to do what you want to do.... just saying that clones 1 week veg and flower is the best option you have.

dont let room temps get over 30 degress otherwise the plants will just Stretch like a motherfucker the first 10 days on 12/12... keep temps low.. in the 21 area.. so that it doesnt fucking stretch like i did now :)

i had to lst all my plants, i think i cheated.. atleast that was evry1 is saying in my area.. you cheater !!!! :D

hehehe cuz my plants are huge, and theres are tiny.. i think i might over yield them all now :)

im aiming for 0.8 kg per 1000W ! 800gramms.... = about 28 ounces.. :peace:


Active Member
Thank you Cali, and yeah Im going with a 1000 watt hps and a 1000w mh. I heard that both spectrums will increase yield and speed up plant growth drastically.
And DWR thank you too for the advice, Yeah I was already told that 600s are better than a 1000w anyday, but i didnt want to have like 4 ballasts and two growzillas lol. And for the clone idea thanks too cause that sounds very interesting i most deffinetly will give that a try.

But for now heres my update. Im very glad that I literally built this entire room my self. Its really starting to pay off, especially running a brand new electrical line with its own fuse breaker by myself im already drawing around 2000 watts. I got the growzilla hood and 1 1000w hps for now, next week ill get the mh. I bought a blower and a really nice can carbon filter which set me back about 400 bucks. After I get the metal halide i plan on getting about 3 of the 8 bulb t5 panels for side lighting.
I started budding 3 days ago and already these plants have so many hairs you wouldnt believe. Their on the humboldt flowering nutes with the AN carbo load and loving it. One plant i recently diagnosed to have nute lock so im flushing that thing for like 3 days. Then cutting the amount of nutes it gets in half.
And my 7 vegging plants are doing great. Their under a 250 watt hps and 3 50 watt t5's and their loving that too.

The first pic I added is of one of my veg plants and the newer fan leaves are growing strange. They look like the leaves were crumbled.
Oh and I only got 1 pic of some of the budding plants( the one with the black bars from the refresh rate) cause my phone died while I was taking them. Ill add way better quality ones later tonight.

However thats it for now.
Let me know what you guys think!!

