big bud #2 is she ok?


Whats up guys

This is my big bud #2 I've been growing , she's 3 weeks into flower and has been great to grow. I'm noticing some random yellowing and I'm wondering if I need to up her nutes? Have been following cannas light feeding schedule. I've not grown a plant this big before so not sure if this is normal at this stage. Any info would be appreciated

Canna coco pro
Canna a and b 2.5 ml per litre
3/4 ml per litre pk 13/14
1ml per litre pm magnecal
Ph 5.8 -6.0
600 watt hps
Lights on temp 24c
Lights off 20c
1.2m 2 tent



Well-Known Member
First off, no that is not normal at that stage of flower. I'm not up on Canna nutrients. Were/are you giving the grow or bloom nutrients at this point? Why did you start the PK 13/14 so soon? Isn't that a bloom booster and so usually started much week 5?

How are you watering? I'm not a coco grower but have used it. Are you watering to 10% runoff?


hey john dee thanks for the response. i always water to 10% runoff (hand watering) always between 5.8 / 6.0 ph, i had been researching the pk 13/14 on alot of forums and read alot of growers saying they started half strength from 2nd week of flower gradually building up to full strength by week 5.


Well-Known Member
OK, that explains the pk 13/14. Seems reasonable. Well with all that yellowing, and if you're sure ph is ok, a nute increase might be a good idea. Go slow and watch leaf tips for burning.


Hey Mcon, doesn't look to bad to me mate, I'm no expert but looks like a slight ph problem to me. I always keep the ph the same all the way through. Plants like consistency with stuff like ph so if your in coco try and keep it at 5.8 and give your feed a good mix before you use. Also pk 13/14 works best half way through when the plant needs extra phosphorous and potassium to boost the flowers. If you haven't already the canna website provides a feeding schedule which should see you alright. I agree with John dee about extra nutes as they may need more nitrogen. Increase gradually to see what she can take.


Hi valboy just checked my run off coming out at 5.6 ph pen needed calibrated so problem solved upped my ph to 6 and will keep it there for the forseeable future. Plants look great now. Thanks for the help folks.


Well-Known Member
hey john dee thanks for the response. i always water to 10% runoff (hand watering) always between 5.8 / 6.0 ph, i had been researching the pk 13/14 on alot of forums and read alot of growers saying they started half strength from 2nd week of flower gradually building up to full strength by week 5.
Right basically you are giving them WAY too much PK13/14 and you are giving it to the plants FAR too early, in your 1st post you said you are giving 3-4ml PER LITRE from week 2, below I have coped and pasted the directions of use from the cann site for PK13/14

[h=4]User Instructions[/h]
  • Shake bottle well before use
  • Add CANNA PK 13/14 three weeks before harvesting to a full nutrition tank in the following proportion: dissolve 15 ml concentrate per 10 litre of water (1:666). Add this mixture to the nutrient for 3-6 days

Link to canna site:


Hi Saerimmner thanks for the response mate but that was actually supposed to read three quarters of a ml. Per litre. Sorry about that. She's doing much better now though. Cheers.

@ ilyaas Aw man she smells great they all do can't even take her out the tent cos the smell is that intense.

Thanks for all the responses guys . Keep on truckin. 😃