big bud ?


Well-Known Member
does the male or the female bring the large cola to the genetic make up . just thinking it would be good to speed up the mac ,maybe not it was just a thought . i know jaws has been dropping big bud as freebie on glg and that had just crossed my mind i dont know it would diminish the mac or not . i just though speeding the veg n boosting the yeild while hopefully keeping the frost and density .. kind of like the big cookie jaws has as well


Well-Known Member
Now that you've decided on the characteristics you want to achieve, if you have good mom and dad plants, make the cross. Keep the mom and dad plants veging to use for backcrosses. Then, sprout as many of the first generation seeds as you can. Find the ones that show more of the characteristics you are looking for. Then use best males and best females from the new generation to make more crosses and backcrosses to try to isolate the desired charateristics. Repeat those steps for a few generations, and you'll have your own Redeye's Big Mac.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Males often help you shape structure in cannabis the males can actually pass over more than the female genetically id say killer males are rarer and more valuable in breeding than good mums cos its easier to find good females vs males in my experience on another note big bud has quite high cbn levels so it proly make the high more stony also possibly