Big Flies, Harmless? Counter-Attack?


Active Member
Where is your location? Mile high? Never heard of it. I would be happy to come there and visit you. I'm just north of Toronto, come see me. I'm here anyone can reach out and touch me. There is a huge biker gang just down the street from me. They know who I am and they don't do shit to me. There are a few reasons they don't. One, I'm respectfull to people. Two, they know better than to touch me. This attitude thing can get you both into trouble and out of it depending on how you use it. Here just being nasty ain't gettin you nowhere.
Denver Colorado....

Evans & Federal are my main cross streets.... AIM is lilnobude...lemme know when your in distance or if somebody you know is....I'll be prompt


Well-Known Member
Keep reaching homie, its actually succeeding at makeing you look more cool and educated then me.

Like dark said, we're arguing for the sake of arguing. Are you proud of what you accomplished in this thread?

Cause I am, my problems fixed.
I am, it amused me and made me laugh. It brought joy to my day.


Well-Known Member
"Name calling makes you madder? You mean that shit you started? You're a bitch nigga, and nothing more. Opps did I make you madder??? Sorry bitch.

Curb the attitude loser. You talk all tough, I'd love to meet you. I'd bitch slap you and put you in your place. I can't do much more than bitch slap you as you're a bitch and that's all you deserve or need. Yeah, I'd make you my bitch and you'd like it."
quote defcon9
i can understand how u feel but regardless, NO PERSONAL ATTACKS, u went over the line there a bit. even if he started it. lets all just walk away ok?


Well-Known Member
Name calling makes you madder? You mean that shit you started? You're a bitch nigga, and nothing more. Opps did I make you madder??? Sorry bitch.

"Curb the attitude loser. You talk all tough, I'd love to meet you. I'd bitch slap you and put you in your place. I can't do much more than bitch slap you as you're a bitch and that's all you deserve or need. Yeah, I'd make you my bitch and you'd like it."
quote defcon9
i can understand how u feel but regardless, NO PERSONAL ATTACKS, u went over the line there a bit. even if he started it. lets all just walk away ok?

You're right, I'm sorry. You should let him know that too.


Active Member
I acknowledged my mistakes and attempted to apologize for it, you guys dont accept so i agree yes lets keep it movin...

And do look me up, AIM is always on, even mobile...


Well-Known Member
I acknowledged my mistakes and attempted to apologize for it, you guys dont accept so i agree yes lets keep it movin...

And do look me up, AIM is always on, even mobile...
Look him up on AIM guys...then you can IM him!
So fucking stupid...


Active Member
the AIM name was directed to homie who wants to come see me, again fellas please READ!!!!....

He said he'd look me up when he's in my location again, so i gave him the AIM name to get ahold of me promptly because in fact I am no "bitch nigga" and am willing to prove to anybody that fact face to face. Anytime, Anyday, it means nothing to put these hands to work yah dig?

Like I said Keep Reaching, PLEASE!!

My employees are handleing shit anyways so i got nothing to do but entertain this ignorance.


Well-Known Member
the AIM name was directed to homie who wants to come see me, again fellas please READ!!!!....

He said he'd look me up when he's in my location again, so i gave him the AIM name to get ahold of me promptly because in fact I am no "bitch nigga" and am willing to prove to anybody that fact face to face. Anytime, Anyday, it means nothing to put these hands to work yah dig?

Like I said Keep Reaching, PLEASE!!

My employees are handleing shit anyways so i got nothing to do but entertain this ignorance.
I didn't know McDonalds had WiFi....


Well-Known Member
i just read thru this thread and its fucking halarious why even bother fighting with a person like that? yes im referring to you fiziks.. grow up


Well-Known Member
the AIM name was directed to homie who wants to come see me, again fellas please READ!!!!....

He said he'd look me up when he's in my location again, so i gave him the AIM name to get ahold of me promptly because in fact I am no "bitch nigga" and am willing to prove to anybody that fact face to face. Anytime, Anyday, it means nothing to put these hands to work yah dig?

Like I said Keep Reaching, PLEASE!!

My employees are handleing shit anyways so i got nothing to do but entertain this ignorance.
Your employees are handeling everything. Well, lets see here, I hope you ain't talking about things on the street. Because if you are that says a lot about you as well. I have learn't somehting over the years. You see I know a lot of people, and I have learn't that the higher up the totem pole you are the nicer you are. I have met many people that are in high positions and they are nice people because they do not need handle things. They don't want attention, they want to be left alone to run their businesses. So either you are a McDonalds employee or a very low level street punk kid that is not of importance to real grown men. That is just an observation that I have made in my life. If I am in your neck of the woods, I will let you know.

Other than that, putting your AIM name up is not a smart idea. Let me help to educate you and enhance your mind. See people here now that don't like you can now start to constantly send you messages. If you really want to let me know something personal then it sould be through a private message.

Don't worry kid, if you need more education on the ways of the world, let me know and I am happy to help.


Active Member
What you said makes sense only to you, because it's an assessment of human nature made by you. Don't force your views or opinions of people as if its fact, thats just nonsense and pure ignorance to free will.

My business has everything to do with the person I am, because if you really knew what kind of business i owned then you would understand the culture of my nature and character which you don't seem to agree with. Learn me something? Please, lets not REACH that far man, thats outlandish and childish for you to even assume or force on me like its yet again another 1 of your self absorbed facts.

Your obviously oblivious to the way the world works in my own world so do not force your opinion as facts, thats not rite. Something as small as my AIM name is nothing, even as i gave it out no one has the sensibility to bug me on it all day like lames, that is yet again another 1 of your self absorbed opinion to be fact of human nature. You fail, sparingly also because if i really wanted to do damage to anybody through this computer nonsense i would through . I'm a person who is nicer then you think, I'm actually 1 of the coolest, honest, and giving people in the world. I'm even man enough to admit i was wrong over and over again. But its not good enough.

I'm not warning any of you about the thing because this is simple bickering on a simple ass day with simple minded people, i'm just letting you know how bad it could really get. But dont worry none of you scare or piss me off that bad to call the internet dogs out you.

And when you do come see me, don't worry, you'll get no hesitation or plea's to be coped cause you'll get your chance to learn me whatever it is you feel you know more of. K, just leave it alone and let that day come.